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碧云天生物技术-SSC缓冲液(20X, pH7.0, 无菌)(ST462-100ml)
SSC缓冲液 (20X, pH7.0, 无菌)即Saline Sodium Citrate buffer,由3M NaCl以及0.3M 柠檬酸钠组成,是分子生物学中常用的核酸杂交 (Southern-blot, Northern-blot)处理溶液。 旨在用于各种杂交实验达到变性和清洗的目的。 根据使用用途不同,常用的工作浓度为2X SSC和0.5X SSC。 2X SSC缓冲液可用于高盐洗膜,洗去部分非特异性结合的探针;0.5X SSC缓冲液可用于低盐洗膜,增加核酸链的严紧性,使得RNA/DNA之间的排斥力增加。 本产品为20倍浓缩缓冲液,经过高压 …
SS&C Technologies - Investment Management Software & Services
A leading innovator in alternative investment technology solutions and services, SS&C is the industry’s largest fund administrator with comprehensive services under one roof; reporting, compliance, tax, risk assessment, reconciliation, accounting, transfer agency and investor services and much more.
Epigenomics and transcriptomics of systemic sclerosis CD4+ T …
2020年9月25日 · Our study unveils a potential link between genetic, epigenetic, and transcriptional deregulation in CD4+ T cells of SSc patients, providing a novel integrated view of molecular components driving SSc pathogenesis.
The Role of T Cells in Systemic Sclerosis: An Update - MDPI
2022年7月27日 · Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a complex disease characterized by microvasculopathy with exaggerated response to stimuli and fibrointimal proliferation that leads to tissue ischemia, extensive fibrosis of skin and internal organs, and autoantibodies (autoAbs).
T cells in systemic sclerosis: a reappraisal - PubMed
SSc is an autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation and extracellular matrix deposition that ultimately leads to loss of organ function. T cells appear to play a prominent role in its pathogenesis.
无菌SSC缓冲液 (20X) 核酸杂交缓冲液|Saline Sodium Citrate buffe
SSC缓冲液 (20X, 无菌)即Saline Sodium Citrate buffer,是分子生物学中常用的核酸杂交 (Southern-blot, Northern-blot)处理溶液。 旨在用于各种杂交实验达到变性和清洗的目的。 根据使用用途不同,常用的工作浓度为2X SSC和0.5X SSC。 2X SSC缓冲液可用于高盐洗膜,洗去部分非特异性结合的探针;0.5X SSC缓冲液可用于低盐洗膜,增加核酸链的严紧性,使得RNA/DNA之间的排斥力增加。 本产品为20倍浓缩缓冲液,经过高压湿热灭菌处理,使用时只需要用无菌 …
T cells in SSc skin lesions: knowing your enemy - Nature
2020年3月9日 · New research suggests that cytotoxic T cells are dominant in the lesional skin of patients with early diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis (SSc) and contribute to vasculopathy and tissue...
Single-cell transcriptome analysis identifies skin-specific T-cell ...
Droplet-based single-cell transcriptome analysis of SSc skin biopsies opens avenues for dissecting patient-specific T-cell heterogeneity, providing a basis for identifying novel gene expression related to functional pathways associated with severity of SSc skin disease.
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