SSG 磨齒平齒輪 (SSG3-30J40) - tw.misumi-ec.com
【交期異動提醒】9/29(五)~10/6(五)適逢中國十一連假期間, 部份商品交期可能延長。建議提早備貨以減少對交期的影響, 同時 ...
KHK SSA3-30J40, Module 3, 30 Tooth, Carbon Steel Hubless Gears
These Hubless Spur Gears are easily customizable and J Series configurations of these Spur Gears are also available.\nHubless gears for lighter and more compact applications.
SS Spur Gear (SS3-30J40) - MISUMI
SS3-30J40 SS Spur Gear from KOHARA GEAR INDUSTRY. MISUMI has more than 9 millions products of Automation Components, Fastners and Materials. MISUMI offers free CAD downloads, No Shipping charge with short lead times.
SSG3-30J40 | SSG Ground Spur Gear | KOHARA GEAR INDUSTRY
·Made of S45C steel, treated with induction hardening on the tooth surface, and ground using holes as reference. ·Reasonable tooth grind spur gear that offers JIS N7 class accuracy. ·Ideal for general industrial machines such as machine tools, …
SS3-30J40 Datasheet - KHK USA, Inc. - Module 3 ... - Datasheet …
SS3-30J40 -- MODULE 3, 30 TOOTH, CARBON STEEL SPUR GEARS KHK USA, Inc. Module 3, 30 Tooth, Carbon Steel Spur Gears SS3-30J40. KHK USA, Inc. Done. Description. The SS Spur Gears are made from carbon steel and are NOT hardened. These Spur Gears are economically priced, general usage gears, with a large selection of modules and numbers of teeth.
SSG Ground Spur Gear (SSG4-30J40) - id.misumi-ec.com
Spur gear that is treated with induction hardening on the tooth surface is available for alteration. [Features] ·Made of S45C steel, treated with induction hardening on the tooth
SSG3-30J40 | SSG Ground Spur Gear | KOHARA GEAR INDUSTRY
SSG3-30J40 SSG Ground Spur Gear from KOHARA GEAR INDUSTRY. MISUMI has various products of Automation Components, Fastners and Materials. MISUMI offers free CAD downloads, No Shipping charge with short lead times. Available to order online 24 hr.
SUS4-30J40 | Spur Gears - 303 Stainless Steel, SUS-Series
Shop Spur Gears - 303 Stainless Steel, SUS-Series from KHK Gears (SUS4-30J40). MISUMI USA has all of your Spur Gears needs covered, with over 3.8M high quality products and 80 sextillion configurable parts available with fast shipping and low pricing.
SSG3-30J40 - KHK USA, Inc. - Module 3, 30 Tooth, Ground Carbon …
SSG3-30J40 -- MODULE 3, 30 TOOTH, GROUND CARBON STEEL SPUR GEARS KHK USA, Inc. Module 3, 30 Tooth, Ground Carbon Steel Spur Gears SSG3-30J40. KHK USA, Inc. Done. Description. The SSG Ground Spur Gears are made from carbon steel, are induction hardened and the teeth are ground finished. Since the heat treatment is applied only to the tooth area ...
型番 : SSG4-30J40 SSG 歯研平歯車 - MISUMI(ミスミ) | 総合Web ...
2019年8月3日 · 小原歯車工業のssg 歯研平歯車 ssg4-30j40の選定・通販ページ。 ミスミ他、国内外3,324メーカー、2,070万点以上の商品を1個から配送。 豊富なCADデータ提供。
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