RKC SSJ-45 Single Phase Solid State Relay, 45 A - itm.com
Screw mounted single phase solid state relay with a maximum load capacity up to 45 A and a response speed of ½ cycle + 1 ms. In addition, it features safety standards including UL, cUL, VDE, CE and has a load voltage of 35 to 264 V AC (50/60 Hz).
This instrument is a single-phase Solid State Relay (SSR). The 15 A, 25 A and 45 A types are available. This installation manual describes their great mounting and wiring.
View and Download RKC INSTRUMENT SSJ Series installation manual online. Solid State Relay. SSJ Series relays pdf manual download. Also for: Ssj-15, Ssj-25, Ssj-45.
Slim width of 21.5mm for 15 and 25A types. (40A type: Width 41mm) Requires less than half the mounting space compared to standard SSRs. * Maximum load current will vary depending on number of close mounted units. Easily mounted on a DIN-rail. Compact in size, even with a heatsink. * Main unit is supplied with a heatsink. (Heatsink for 15A)
RKC SSJ-45F3 Single Phase Solid State Relay with RF-200 heatsink, 45 A
Screw mounted single phase solid state relay with a maximum load capacity up to 45 A and a response speed of ½ cycle + 1 ms. In addition, it comes with a heatsink and features safety standards including UL, cUL, VDE, CE and has a load voltage of 35 to 264 V AC (50/60 Hz).
ソリッドステートリレー 45Aタイプ SSJ-45 「計測と制御の理化 …
温度調節計、プログラム調節計、指示計、圧力計、記録計、レベル計、湿度計、熱電対、白金測温抵抗体などのセンサー、制御機器のメーカー直接販売しています。 ソリッドステートリレー 45Aタイプ SSJ-45.
External Dimensions and External Wiring SSJ-15 SSJ-25 SSJ-45 Screw mounting dimensions * Without fin 2-M4 or
SSJ型可伸缩带式输送机 - 矿用皮带/胶带输送机 - 产品展示 - 江苏 …
该机能满足因井下开掘巷道不直而设计的可转弯10—100 的带式输送机运输,其目的是减少多机搭接、减少事故点、降低设备投资。 适用于走向长壁采煤工作面顺利运输,拆除转弯处机身即可用于直线运输。 该机能满足因井下开掘巷道不直而设计的可转弯10—100 的带式输送机运输,其目的是减少多机搭接、减少事故点、降低设备投资。 适用于走向长壁采煤工作面顺利运输,拆除转弯处机身即可用于直线运输。 适用于煤矿井下高产高效综采工作面顺柄(大巷)长距离、大运量运 …
「ssj 45」通販 - アスクル
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SSN_SSJカタログ(理化工業株式会社)のカタログ無料ダウン …
SSJ負荷推奨コンデンサ松下電子㈱製:ECQU2A225KL (2.2μF)DC 0/12V入力54591005459100
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