SSM2017 Datasheet and Product Info | Analog Devices
The SSM2017 is a latest generation audio preamplifier combining SSM preamplifier design expertise with advanced processing. The result is excellent audio performance from a self-contained 8-pin mini-DIP device, requiring only one external gain set resistor or potentiometer. The SSM2017 is further enhanced by its unity gain stability.
sign expertise with advanced process-ing. The result is excellent audio performance from a self-contained 8-pin mini-DIP device, requiring only one ex. ernal gain set resistor or potentiometer. The SSM2017 is furt. tion.
SSM2017数据手册和产品信息 | Analog Devices
SSM2017属于最新一代音频前置放大器,集SSM前置放大器设计经验与高级处理技术于一体。 它的音频性能极为出色,采用自容式8引脚小型DIP封装,只需一个外部增益设置电阻或电位计。 SSM2017的单位增益稳定性进一步增强了该器件的性能。 主要特性包括超低噪声(噪声系数为1.5 dB)和超低总谐波失真(G = 100时THD < 0.01%),此外还有宽带宽和高压摆率。 这款低成本器件可以用作麦克风前置放大器和总线求和放大器,适合专业和消费电子音频设备、声纳以及其 …
The INA217 device is a low-noise, low-distortion, monolithic instrumentation amplifier. Current-feedback circuitry allows the INA217 device to achieve wide bandwidth and excellent dynamic response over a wide range of gain. The INA217 device is ideal for low-level audio signals such as balanced low-impedance microphones.
ANALOG DEVICES SSM2017 数据手册 - 百度文库
GENERAL DESCRIPTION The SSM2017 is a latest generation audio preamplifier, combining SSM preamplifier design expertise with advanced processing. The result is excellent audio performance from a selfcontained 8-pin mini-DIP device, requiring only one external gain set resistor or potentiometer.
INA217 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TI 的 INA217 是一款 低噪声、低失真仪表放大器,SSM2017 替代产品。 查找参数、订购和质量信息.
SSM2017P Datasheet(PDF) - Analog Devices
The SSM2017 is a latest generation audio preamplifier, combin ing SSM preamplifier design expertise with advanced process ing. The result is excellent audio performance from a self contained 8-pin mini-DIP device, requiring only one external gain set resistor or potentiometer.
SSM2017 datasheet, preamplifier equivalent, Analog
– 4 The SSM2017 is a latest generation audio preamplifier, combining SSM preamplifier design expertise with advanced processing. The result is excellent audio performance from a selfcontained 8-pin mini-DIP device, requiring .
SSM2017 Line Preamplifier – High Quality Design - AUDIO …
2012年1月20日 · This page will show you how to use the SSM2017 as a line preamplifier. With some clever designing a very high quality preamp could be build at affordable price. For those of you unfamiliar with the chip, here is the datasheet:
ANALOG DEVICES SSM2017 数据手册 - 说明书之家
详情:该文档介绍了ssm2017自包含音频前置放大器的功能和特点。 该前置放大器具有出色的噪声性能、极低的谐波失真、宽带宽、高斜率、真正的差分输入和低成本等特点。