State Street Global Advisors | Global Asset Management - SSGA
As the asset management arm of State Street, we create better outcomes for the world’s investors and the people they serve. Choose your investor type for a more personalized site experience. I invest or consult on behalf of pension funds, foundations and endowments, insurance companies, or other institutions.
Who We Are - SSGA
For over 45 years, our clients’ investing challenges have served as a catalyst for our innovation. To help our clients achieve their financial goals, we live our guiding principles each and every day.
State Street Global Advisors - Wikipedia
State Street Global Advisors (SSGA) is an American investment management division of State Street Corporation founded in 1978 and the world's fourth largest asset manager, [2] with nearly US$4.1 trillion in assets under management as of December 31, 2023. [3]
道富环球 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
道富环球,官方正式中文名称为 道富环球投资管理 (英語: State Street Global Advisors, SSGA) [1],是 道富公司 的一个分支机构,是世界第三大 资产管理 公司, [2] 截至2020年12月31日,运作大约$3.5兆美元的资金。 [3] 该公司向客户提供投资策略服务。 该公司在28个国家有大约2,500名员工。 [4] ^ SPDR八大特色. 道富环球中文官方网站. [2021-02-24]. (原始内容 存档于2021-02-25). ^ State Street chief takes aim at the cost of servicing. Financial Times. …
SPDR Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) - SSGA
SSGA Intermediary Business offers a number of products and services designed specifically for various categories of investors. Not all products will be available to all investors.
SSGA - State Street Global Advisors
State Street Global Advisors helps investors achieve their investment goals through a range of financial services and products.
海外基金发展史系列之 · 世界第五大资产管理公司-道富
2019年1月28日 · State Street Global Advisors (SSGA) 是State Street Corporation旗下的资产管理公司同时也是世界第五大资产管理公司,于1978年在美国波士顿马萨诸塞州成立。 该公司通过为非营利基金会、企业、公司、协会、政府、教育机构和宗教组织创建和管理投资策略来为金融客户提供服务。 除了机构服务外,SSGA还为美国、欧洲、亚洲和澳大利亚的零售市场生产投资工具。 SSGA在全球25个地点(其中11个处理资产)拥有2500名员工。 截止至2017年12月31日管理 …
State Street Glb All Cap Eq ex-US Idx SSGVX - Morningstar
2025年1月31日 · With operations in the U.S. and Europe standing on a firm foundation, SSGA will put more focus on its Asia-Pacific business—the smallest regional segment of its business. by Daniel Sotiroff ...
SSGA is proud to be one of Michigan's most highly regarded Dance, Gymnastic and Cheer training facilities. SSGA offers a unique range of classes designed to bring out the best in our athletes and dancers. We offer top quality instruction in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip-Hop and Tumbling beginner through elite.
Will the SEC Force Changes in the SSGA Apollo Private Credit ETF?
4 天之前 · SSGA acquiesced and filed those details unredacted in its March 5 submission. Most importantly, SSGA revealed previously undefined details about Apollo’s commitments under the liquidity ...