ST23 - STMicroelectronics
The ST23 secure microcontroller family, an industry-reference for your smart card designs. Reaching certification levels up to CC EAL6+, the secure ST23 family is a reference in smart card ICs. With more than 3 billion units shipped, the ST23 is ideal for secure applications such as banking, e-government solutions, transport, and pay TV.
ST23 - 意法半导体STMicroelectronics
安全ST23系列达到CC EAL6+认证等级,是智能卡IC的参考。 ST23的出货量超过30亿台,是银行业务、电子政务解决方案、交通和付费电视等安全应用的理想选择。 由于有多种产品选项可供选择(认证加密库、接触式和非接触式接口),因此可实现定制式安全应用的开发。 Please to show your saved searches. ST23接触式系列提供了专门面向智能卡和安全认证应用的安全微控制器。 它们基于意法半导体的增强型8/16位CPU内核。
ST23 - PDF Documentation - STMicroelectronics
Discover PDF resources and datasheets around ST23.
ST23YT66 - ST23 Secure MCU with USB and SPI interfaces, …
The ST23YT66 is a secure USB microcontroller based on the ST23 core architecture. Its high security level and versatile communication interfaces address user identification functions for computer or network access or for computer-based local or remote applications.
王辉教授团队最新研究:wcaJ失活的ST23高毒力肺炎克雷伯菌的毒 …
2022年11月19日 · 本研究整合了11株来自全中国CRE Network的ST23-KL1肺炎克雷伯杆菌,发现其中4株高度耐受血清杀伤,但拉丝实验为阴性,4株中3株均携带blaKPC-2质粒。 对这4株菌进行全基因组测序,发现其均在荚膜多糖合成区域(CPS区域)的wcaJ基因处发生了IS插入。 其中拥有blaKPC-2质粒的3株菌的wcaJ被ISKpn26插入,而hvKP (C2768) 被ISKpn74插入。 这4株菌的O位点类型属于O1/O2v2血清型,且拥有完整的rmpD基因,与NTUH-K2044相同,排除了其 …
Philips Hue Smart 60W ST23 Filament LED Bulb - White Ambiance …
Philips Hue Smart 60W ST23 Filament LED Bulb - White Ambiance Warm-to-Cool White Light - 1 Pack - 550LM - E26 - Indoor - Control with Hue App - Works with Alexa, Google Assistant and Apple Homekit
Carbapenem-resistant hypervirulent ST23 Klebsiella pneumoniae …
2024年3月12日 · Hypervirulent K. pneumoniae (hvKp) strains, frequently from sequence type 23 (ST23) and having a K1 capsule, have been associated with severe community-acquired invasive infections. Although hvKp were initially restricted to Southeast Asia and primarily antibiotic-sensitive, carbapenem-resistant hvKp infections are reported worldwide.
松下ES-ST23和松下松下 ES-WSL3D的区别那个好一点性价比高?
主要差别就是充电了,ST23充电1小时,使用45分钟,WSL3D是SL41升级版充电8小时,使用25分钟。 我觉得夜晚充电好像也不太影响,使用感受不清楚,知友15年的回答说“ST23据说是“ 超声波马达 ”,振动频率会强一些,但是个人感觉SL41已经够用”。 所以我刚下单了WSL3D。 在某东领了5块钱的券,到手214,只有白色的,我更喜欢红色。 希望帮到你. 请问? 松下ES一ST25剃须刀,每一次充电一次,查电池有电,一,测试电池4.15V。 不知是什么原因?
Hue Edison ST23 E26 Filament LED Bulb - White Ambiance
Vintage style meets modern smarts with this ST23 smart bulb. Perfect for smaller light fixtures and lamps, this Edison-style LED bulb offers the full suite of smart features, warm-to-cool white …
Clinical Characteristics and Molecular Epidemiology of ST23
ST23 Kp isolates were screened using whole-genome sequencing data from a large single centre. We compared the clinical characteristics of ST23 strains isolated from community-acquired infections (CAI) and hospital acquired infection (HAI). In addition, the infection characteristics of MDR and poor-prognosis isolates were investigated.