ST-68U “Tin Shield” - Radartutorial
The ST-68U (Russian designation: 19Sh6; Cyrillic: 19Ж6; NATO code: “Tin Shield”) was a medium-range 3D air defense radar in the former Warsaw Pact countries. It was designed for the detection and tracking of targets at low altitudes under conditions of active and passive interference with strong ground reflection and under difficult ...
19Ž6, 36D6, 35D6, 5N59 : USSR / Successional Countries USSR …
The ST-68U radar is a short and medium range 3D surveillance radar developed for air defence systems and anti-aircraft missile complexes. The ST-68U radar is currently the only 3D surveillance radar introduced in the arsenal of the Army and is one of the most advanced electronic systems imported from the countries of the former USSR.
36D6 - Radartutorial
ST68UM (Russian designator 36D6, Cyrillic: СТ-68УМ «Нива», 36Д6) is an air surveillance and assignment radar for missile control systems of the former Soviet Union. The “36D6” is a mobile 3-D system designed to detect air targets at low, medium and high altitude.
Radar ST-68U: Identification, Friend or Foe - IFF - KonBriefing.com
The ST-68UÄ radar is used to detect, identify and track aerial targets, including winged missiles, under the impact of organised (active and passive) jamming, reflections from the earth's surface and meteorological phenomena
ST-68U – Wikipedia
Die ST-68U (NATO-Code: Tin Shield, russische Bezeichnung: 19Ж6, Koroljewa (Königin)) ist ein Luftraumüberwachungsradargerät, das ursprünglich in der Eloka-Organisation der Länder des ehemaligen Warschauer Vertrages eingesetzt wurde. Es wurde 1981 entwickelt und befindet sich heute noch in vielen Staaten des ehemaligen Ostblocks im Einsatz.
36D6 19Zh6 TIN SHIELD - GlobalSecurity.org
2019年8月19日 · The 36D6 [NATO designated TIN SHIELD] mobile radar system is designed to detect air targets and to perform the friend-of-foe identification. The radar system is able to provide targeting and...
SVK - ST-68MSK (3D rádiolokátor) : Czechoslovakia / Czech …
ST-68MSK is a modernization project of the radar ST-68 (version ST- 68UM) from the armament of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic (so far) implemented by LOBB Banská Bystrica in cooperation with UKRSPETSEXPORT, Ukraine and the manufacturer of the radar ISKRA, Náporožie, Ukraine, which is also a supplier of a set of equipment and ...
Radar Basics
Le ST-68U (désignation russe : 19Sh6 ; cyrillique : 19Ж6 ; code OTAN : „Tin Shield“) était un radar de défense aérienne 3D de moyenne portée utilisé dans les pays de l’ancien Pacte de Varsovie. Il a été développé pour la détection et le suivi de cibles à basse altitude dans des conditions de brouillage actif et passif avec ...
Radar Basics - ST68U “Tin Shield” - l.xif.fr
Air defense radar unit in the countries of the former Warsaw pact. Russian designator: 19 Ж 6. This radar station is a true 3 D-radar with a frequency scanning array. Since this radar is air …
Ukraine’s Territorial Defense defended the ST-68U radar
2022年3月14日 · ST-68 is a Soviet-are mobile three-coordinate radar station designed to detect and track low-altitude targets. In 1975, it was proposed to develop a three-coordinate radar station for the needs of the air defense forces, which would ensure the detection of low-altitude targets in conditions of intense exposure to radio interference.