FN FAL - Wikipedia
It was designed to fire the intermediate 7.92×33mm Kurz cartridge developed and used by the forces of Germany during World War II with the Sturmgewehr 44 assault rifle.
奥地利的公制式 FAL - 枪炮世界
奥地利陆军采用 FAL 并在 1958 年命名为 Stg.58,最初奥地利也是购买 FN 公司生产的步枪,稍后该枪就由斯太尔公司特许生产。 Stg.58 的外观与德国的 G1 非常相似,例如金属护木上的纵向凸筋,在护木下面整合有轻型两脚架。 但 Stg.58 的消焰器非常特别,除了能兼作枪榴弹发射器外,还整合了铁丝剪功能。 Stg.58 独特的枪口装置,可以把铁丝卡在开槽内用实弹冲断铁丝. tg.
DS Arms STG58 Austrian FAL - Athlon Outdoors
2009年8月17日 · The semi-automatic-only STG58 as offered by DS Arms is a very close rendition of the original metric-pattern StG 58, combining excellent-condition contract FAL parts and new US made ones where required.
Atlantic Firearms,llc - AtlanticFirearms.com
STG58 Austrian FAL Standard Rifle, .308 Cal. New U.S. produced 21" Barrel with STG58 Long Flashider or Muzzle Brake, STG58 Poly Handguard with Bipod Cut, Metric Synthetic FAL Buttstock & Pistol Grip, FAL Lite Bipod, Type I or Type II Receiver with Carry Handle
2003年4月1日 · Austria’s StG58 is an interesting twist on the basic FAL design. It combined German and Austrian features with an excellent Belgian rifle. The result was a tough and accurate combat rifle that gave good service until finally replaced relatively recently. StG58 Specifications Caliber: 7.62x51mm NATO.
Sturmgewehr 58 – Wikipedia
Das Sturmgewehr 58 (abgekürzt StG 58) war der Vorgänger des heute beim österreichischen Bundesheer verwendeten StG 77. Heute wird es in Österreich nur mehr von der Garde und an der Theresianischen Militärakademie als Exerzierwaffe zu Repräsentationszwecken eingesetzt.
FAL Rifle (STG 58) in Retrospect | Breach Bang Clear
2024年11月1日 · Developed by Fabrique Nationale of Belgium in the 1950s, it went on to be one of the most widely-used rifles in the world, second only to the AK-47 family. It was used as the main service arm of 90 countries during the Cold War, including the British Commonwealth. This is how it earned the moniker “The Right Arm of the Free World.”
这款武器具有出色的可靠性和耐用性 广泛用于奥地利军队 - 哔哩哔哩
StG58采用7.62×51毫米口径,具有可靠的气动原理,使用短行程活塞和回转式枪机。 它具有可拆卸的箱式弹匣,容量为20发或30发,射速为每分钟500-600发。 该步枪的总重约为4.3千克,全长为1,025毫米,有效射程可达800米。
DSA Inc STG-58 For Sale $991.30, Review, Price - In Stock
STG58 Austrian FAL Standard Rifle, .308 Cal. New U.S. produced 21" Barrel with STG58 Long Flashider or Muzzle Brake, STG58 Poly Handguard with Bipod Cut, Metric Synthetic FAL Buttstock & Pistol Grip, FAL Lite Bipod, Type I or Type II Receiver with Carry Handle
STG 58 New and Used Price, Value, & Trends 2025 - True Gun Value
A STG 58 rifle is currently worth an average price of $1,645.67 used . The 12 month average price is $1,645.67 used. The used value of a STG 58 rifle has fallen $0.00 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $1,645.67 . The demand of new STG 58 …