What Version or 'Generation' of WRX / STI do you have?
2020年2月12日 · The WRX sedan is known as a GDA, the WRX STI sedan a GDB, the WRX wagon a GGA and the bugeye-only STI wagon a GGB. Generally, all variations are referred to as the GD chassis. This generation started in 2000 and went through until 2007. GR. Subaru decided it was time for the WRX STI to become a true hot-hatch when it launched the GRB generation.
Meaning of GDA GDB?? - NASIOC
2014年8月30日 · Look at the vin under your hood. Under body type it will list what your car is. Or you could search and see what the forum tells you. Sounds to me like you own a GDA...that is if you own a sedan with the 2.0L wrx motor in it. WRC is World Rally Championship. Its a racing series sanctioned by the FIA iirc.
我的速霸陸 Impreza GDB STi│老車不死只是不斷進化 - Mobile01
2021年4月24日 · 靈肉分離的 (引擎、變速箱、車體)GDB STI,不過哥的是沒撞過的呦! 驗明正身的T20C中缸,據說耐用度有比較強一點。 靜靜等待著車主贖車的淚眼鯊。 嗯......好吧! 接下來就是重頭戲了,維修廠把引擎拆開後的狀況到底如何呢? 養這隻鯊魚也好幾年了,從對這款車什麼都不懂到如今也算是有一點點的常識,這三年來我去過不同的維修廠(老車嘛總是有東西可以換),其實每一間都在水準以上,不過考慮到最主要的目標除了引擎重做之外還有變速箱拆 …
虫眼圆灯 丨 诞生于千禧年,斯巴鲁翼豹二代/Subaru Impreza 2000
2023年10月21日 · 而海外的二代前期高性能版本—— wrx sti gdb型 ,则搭载的是更高概率的ej207型2.0t h4汽油引擎,变速器也更换为6mt,最大可输出约280ps马力与373nm扭矩。另外日本市场还有更带劲的s202特别版,马力与扭矩会提高到320ps与384nm。
日規Subaru Impreza WRX STI(GDB)車主開箱心得評價:人生中 …
這次我們訪問到日規Subaru Impreza WRX STI(GDB)的車主彥輯,來跟我們分享自己當初怎麼會從歐系MR跑車,換到日系、手排的四驅老車,以及這人生第一台手排車的感受。
Subaru Impreza WRX STI(GDB)全車S204化車主開箱心得評價: …
Q.Subaru Impreza WRX STI(GDB)全車S204化之後,它的操駕感受如何? A.GD世代的車重很輕,即使說它的四輪傳動開起來是偏向推頭,但以接近原廠的設定,操駕起來還是比後來的VA世代輕快不少。
【JDM】斯巴鲁Impreza翼豹八代泪眼 WRX STI GDB - 哔哩哔哩
昨天看到斯巴鲁官方发出的,未来将要停产STI纯燃油车有点失落,毕竟还未正真拥有,就要离去,这期就剪了一期我最爱的一代 - 八代泪眼翼豹WRX STI。 东京一枚JDM爱好者,ECC主理,现可卖场拍车全球可回车 (包括大陆),大黑pa秋明山圣地巡礼,拍卖,租赁。 最近有点忙,前天赴日签证也终于下来,然后在准备接下来的一些东西。
Subaru Impreza WRX STI (GDB-A) (下) 從零開始重新打造競技式樣 - CARNEWS
2020年6月16日 · 265mm胎寬+輕量化車體,期待麗寶賽道的單圈成績。動力部分並沒有做大幅的變更,目前已換上GDB後期才有使用的VF37雙渦流渦輪機
Subaru Impreza WRX STi GDB 280 PS specs, 0-60, quarter mile, …
Subaru Impreza GD from second and third face lift are possibly the best Subies, for the best price. They are also sharper and more exciting to drive than GH - the third generation. Propably the best all-wather 4 seater money can buy. Impreza STI was a good sportcar, developing with proportional steps. But in 2006 the evolution stopped.
Subaru Impreza WRX STi GDB-C - Wangan Midnight Wiki
The Subaru Impreza WRX STi GDB-C is a car produced by Subaru, an automobile division of Fuji Heavy Industries which was first introduced in Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune. Broadly speaking, there are 3 types of GDB-type, late-model Imprezas. With a low-mounted, flat engine, the drivetrain creates...