ST Kinetics CPW - Wikipedia
The CPW is a modular selective fire lever-delayed blowback operated weapon (using what STK calls a cam recoil mitigation mechanism), which contributes to the low felt recoil and allows for use with high pressure ammunition. The weapon has a conventional submachine gun layout with the magazine housed in the pistol grip.
STK CPW 冲锋枪 - 枪炮世界
CPW是Compact Personal Weapon(紧凑型单兵武器)的缩写,这个名字的含义和PDW、IDW一样,都是用新概念包装起来的小型冲锋枪。 CPW是STK分部ST Engineering Land Systems的产品,整体造型很像HK MP7,最早在2006年新加坡航展上展出原型,2008年时再度展出。
新科动力CPW冲锋枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
新科动力CPW (英语: Compact Personal Weapon,意为:紧凑型个人武器)是一款由 新加坡 国防企业新科动力(全称: 新加坡科技动力;英语: Singapore Technologies Kinetics,简称:ST Kinetics)所自主研发和生产的多 口径 冲锋枪,同时兼具 冲锋手枪 和 个人防卫武器 的特征。 CPW是一款模块化 击发调变式 杠杆延迟反冲作用 操作武器(被新科动力以“凸轮反冲减缓机构”之名使用),这有助于降低可感受到的 后座力,并且让其可以使用高膛压 弹药。 CPW主要发射 …
藏在口袋里的火力!揭秘新加坡STK CPW微型冲锋枪的“黑科技”
2 天之前 · CPW的研发团队来自ST Engineering旗下经验丰富的STK分部。 他们从德国HK公司的MP7中汲取灵感,但目标更极端——比MP7更轻、更短、更便宜。 早期原型枪仅重1.5公斤(相当于两把普通手枪的重量),折叠后长度压缩到350毫米,甚至能轻松藏进战术背心。
Compact Personal Weapon - ST Engineering
CPW is a cost-effective and compact sub-machine gun made of strong yet light engineering plastic and aluminum alloy. Its unique cam recoil mitigation mechanism reduces recoil significantly with delayed blowback operation for accurate and controlled firing.
ST Kinetics CPW | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The STK CPW is a delayed-blowback operated weapon that fires in semi-automatic and in fully automatic mode. It is made mostly from impact-resistant polymer, with aluminum alloy receiver. Barrel and bolt can be replaced to change the caliber from prototypical 9x19 Parabellum to others (most possible choice being some small-caliber armor piercing ...
STK CPW冲锋枪_mm_枪托_弹匣 - 搜狐
2023年11月5日 · CPW是Compact Personal Weapon(紧凑型单兵武器)的缩写,这个名字的含义和PDW、IDW一样,都是用新概念包装起来的小型冲锋枪。 CPW是STK分部ST Engineering Land Systems的产品,整体造型很像HK MP7,最早在2006年新加坡航展上展出原型,2008年时再度展 …
握把下方以及弹匣都是透明塑料材质的STK CPW冲锋枪
CPW是STK分部STEngineeringLandSystems的小型冲锋枪,全枪紧凑,重1.7kg,可发射9mm巴拉贝鲁姆弹,有半自动和全自动射击模式,有效射程100m。 已在新加坡军队和孟加拉特警中使用。
ST Kinetics CPW - Wikiwand
The CPW is a modular selective fire lever-delayed blowback operated weapon (using what STK calls a cam recoil mitigation mechanism), which contributes to the low felt recoil and allows for use with high pressure ammunition. The weapon has a conventional submachine gun layout with the magazine housed in the pistol grip.
ST Kinetics (CIS) CPW (Compact Personal Weapon) - Military Factory
2017年8月17日 · In 2008, it debuted a new machine pistol/submachine gun product of modular design and supporting the ubiquitous 9x19mm Parabellum cartridge - the CPW ("Compact Personal Weapon"). As its designation suggests, the CPW was developed with compactness and lightweight functionality in mind - serving well for police, security units, and even special ...