STK Group
STK Group of Company currently consists of three companies, STK DEVELOPERS (PVT) LTD. The Company has its head office in Colombo. Its site office is at 7/4 , Isipathana Mawatha , Colombo -5. STK completed its 5 Projects. Its 6th project of 64 apartments is nearing completion & 6th project of 68 apartments is ready to start.
集团简介 - STK Group
STK集团以“天下没有办不到的手续”为口号,旨在提供连接日本与世界的一站式法律支持服务。 伴随日本的国际化程度不断加深,我们希望通过多语言的跨国专业法律人才,为您解决国际化路上的各种障碍。
首页 - STK Group
自2007年创业以来,STK集团以法务・国际化・不动产・继承为主轴,始终秉承为客户实现真正利益的宗旨发展壮大。 伴随日本国际化程度的不断加深,我们也将继续努力为客户提供最优质的服务,并以中文、英文、日文和韩文向世界展现真实的日本。
STK has enjoyed great success in commercial real estate brokerage, development, and financing and developed strong relationships across all sectors. We bring our solid background and market experience to every project we choose to pursue. Learn how …
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one name for legal services, cross-border proceedings, real estate, and inheritance between Japan and the world. Since our establishment in 2007, STK Group has provided one-stop support for connecting Japan and the world in 4 key areas: legal, global, real estate, and inheritance.
首页 - STK Global
STK Global 作为 STK 集团成员公司成立于2017年,以「让日本不再有难懂难办的手续」为宗旨,运营信息门户网站,为客户提供各种日本相关的综合服务。 您是否有这样的困扰:即使对投资日本充满兴趣,也会因为程序复杂或不具备专业知识而难以付诸行动? 我们提供的 STK Platform 让客户可以放心地提出这样的问题,由我们的专家提供免费解答。 我们将努力通过 STK Platform 为您提供最新的日本企业注册、不动产手续、工作签证等方面的信息和答疑。 此外,我们还为 …
STK Group: Soluciones Avanzadas para Empresas | STK Group
En STK Group, transformamos desafíos en oportunidades con servicios innovadores y de calidad superior. A través de nuestras empresas: StockGI, STK Drone, STK Supply y STK Design, generamos valor real y satisfacción para nuestros clientes, …
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Established in 2017 with the motto “Easier and more convenient procedures in Japan for everyone,” STK Global specializes in providing multirange information services involved in legal procedures in Japan. We are part of the STK Group, the foremost provider of international legal consulting services in Japan.
STK Group
Mr. Zarook is a leading businessman involved in the import of electrical appliances. He is also a leading exporter of gems. Among his many other business interests is carrying out construction work in the Kingdom of Qatar. Mr. Zarook also one of the main investor in STK Group Projects.
STK Group
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