AIM Gas Blowback Russian Classic AK SVD Airsoft GBB Sniper …
Your all time favorite SVD-II sniper rifle is now available in gas blowback. Besides the exciting blowback realism and accuracy, this rifle performs a whopping 580 FPS out of the box. The GBB SVD-II also features metal receiver, ergonomic sniper cheek rest, detachable gas magazine, and precision accuracy long barrel.
WE-Tech SVD Airsoft Gas Blowback Sniper Rifle (Model ... - Evike.com
The WE SVD GBB Sniper Rifle is by far the best quality SVD rifle on the market today. With features like a full metal receiver and barrel assembly, the easily adjustable hop-up, and the pre-installed tightbore inner barrel this is a very formidable weapon on the field.
Airsoft Guns, Shop By Rifle Models, SVD / Dragunov - Evike.com
The SVD Dragunov is a formidable Soviet patterned large caliber Marksman rifle, Popular with Russian and Middle-eastern rebel forces. Real Sword Dragunov SVD Semi-Auto Airsoft Sniper Rifle. (Type 79/85)
WE SVD GBB 瓦斯狙擊槍 實木槍托護木 鋁合金槍身 2020新版 WE-SVD …
1.任何時候,槍口不可對人,隨時關保險,槍口一律朝下! 2.禁止射擊人畜,他人財物,以免觸法! 3.用槍需戴護具,以免誤擊受傷。 4.千萬不可任意將槍借人使用! 槍借人一定馬上壞,他的不當行為您要負連帶責任! 5.外出請以槍盒或槍袋包裝攜帶,切勿耍帥裸槍攜帶,引發民眾恐慌騷動因而報警,自找麻煩! 6.槍械應放置於幼童無法取拿之處! 避免發生意外! 7.我們並不對使用消費者用槍的行為及後果負任何的責任,用槍人需自行注意安全及他人的權益,以免觸法! 下標購買時請先確 …
WE Tech "ACE VD" SVD Gas Blowback GBBR Airsoft Sniper Rifle
The gas blowback system delivers powerful recoil, without hampering muzzle velocity. Modeled after the standard squad support weapon used by the Russian military, this 1:1 scale airsoft SVD shoots up to 550 FPS (w/ 0.20g BBs), making it a great gas blowback rifle for long distance shooting and training.
【海外开箱】WE SVD GBB 原廠開箱測試 - 哔哩哔哩
WE SVD GBB Airsoft - Black - WGC Shop
WE SVD GBB Airsoft - Black 此為訂購或預訂產品,當產品有庫存時將立即出貨。
SVD GBB - Polymer & Metal / Black - WE : Gas / CO2 sniper rifles …
WE is a famous Taiwanese Airsoft brand that has been on the market for over 20 years, originally specialising in GBBs. Explore SVD GBB - Polymer & Metal / Black - WE in our Gas / CO2 sniper rifles range for airsoft on Evike Europe. High performance airsoft equipment for enthusiasts.
WE SVD GBB Sniper Airsoft Rifle ( Steel and imitation wood )
【Product】WE SVD GBB Sniper Airsoft Rifle ( Steel and imitation wood ) , we-svd-gas-blowback-sniper-rifle-new-imitation-version. SWIT Airsoft always brings you top airsoft gear at best prices. Highly recommended!
WE SVD (ACE-VD) GBBR Airsoft (Aluminum) - Black | RedWolf
Featuring an extremely long inner barrel and a super high capacity cylinder, the recoil is extremely strong so please prepare yourself before pulling the trigger. The long barrel also means long range shooting capability, of course accuracy is promising for this sniper rifle.