Special Operations Craft – Riverine - Wikipedia
Each SOC-R is crewed by four Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen (SWCC) and can carry four more people. [3] The craft are operated only by members of Special Boat Team 22 (SBT-22), based in Stennis, Mississippi. These river crews conduct mainly clandestine combat missions, often operating at night with little or no air support.
Special Operations Craft-Riverine | SOC-R
The Special Operations Craft-Riverine (SOC-R) is designed to operate along river networks and coastal areas, chiefly for the insertion and extraction of Navy SEALs. SOC-Rs are operated by SWCC Special Boat Teams .
Navy Special Warfare Combatant Craft Crew (SWCC)
2019年3月27日 · Focusing on infiltration and exfiltration of SEALs and other SOF, SWCCs provide dedicated rapid mobility in shallow water areas where larger ships cannot operate. They also bring to the table a...
Special Operations Craft - Riverine - Military.com
The SOC-R is a high-performance craft sized to permit air transport aboard C-130 or larger military aircraft. Each craft is manned by a crew of four Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen and...
小艇凶猛!美特战艇每分打1.5万发灭敌 - 百家号
2018年11月16日 · 河岸特战艇(soc-r)是swcc的主力装备之一,主要用于短距离接应“海豹”特战队渗透和撤出任务。soc-r全长10米,满载排水量仅9.4吨,搭载喷水推进器,最大航速40节,乘员包括4名艇员和8名特战队员。
火力強勁!美軍「特戰快艇部隊」 (SWCC)的「特戰艇」:河岸特戰艇 (SOC-R…
2021年12月27日 · 河岸特戰艇(soc-r)是swcc的主力裝備之一,主要用於短距離接應「海豹」特戰隊滲透和撤出任務。 SOC-R全長10米,滿載排水量僅9.4噸,搭載噴水推進器,最大航速40節,乘員包括4名艇員和8名特戰隊員。
美海军“特战快艇部队”(SWCC)兵人在线BBICN - Powered by Discuz!
2019年2月10日 · 河岸特战艇(soc-r)是swcc的主力装备之一,主要用于短距离接应“海豹”特战队渗透和撤出任务。soc-r全长10米,满载排水量仅9.4吨,搭载喷水推进器,最大航速40节(74.08公里/小时),乘员包括4名艇员和8名特战队员。
河岸特战艇(soc-r)是swcc的主力装备之一,主要用于短距离接应“海豹”特战队渗透和撤出任务。 SOC-R全长10米,满载排水量仅9.4吨,搭载喷水推进器,最大航速40节,乘员包括4名艇员和8名特战队员。
Special Operations Craft Riverine | Military Wiki | Fandom
Special Operations Craft - Riverine craft perform short-range insertion and extraction of special operations forces in river and near-shore environments. The SOC-R is designed to fit aboard C-130 or larger military aircraft. Special Boat Teams (SBT) perform an insertion/extraction delivery...
Navy SWCC: What You Need To Know About This... | Us Military
2024年3月4日 · The backbone of SWCC’s high-speed maritime maneuvers is the Special Operations Craft-Riverine (SOC-R). These boats are not your average watercraft but are engineered for stealth, agility, and power.