Sabre 28/30 for a newer sailor? - SailNet Community
2015年7月15日 · Of the Sabre 28 he said: "You will find the construction details of the Sabre 28' among the best of any 28-foot production boat on the market. Secondary bonding and attachment of bulkheads and structural members is almost always flawless." His review of the Sabre 30 is at: Used Boat Reviews - SpinSheet Of the Sabre 30, Mr. Hornor said:
Sabre 28 vs. C & C 30 - SailNet Community
2009年11月9日 · The Sabre 28 is a nice boat, well put together, that will take you places and get you back as well. The C&C30 is also a nice, pretty well built boat. The thing that hits me looking at these two boats is that the C&C 30 is a lot prettier.
I like this Sabre 28 BUT..... - SailNet Community
2012年7月28日 · I was looking at a Sabre 28 yesterday and came away really impressed with the whole boat design and reviews. Took some pictures but there are two things that really concern me regarding this Sabre and has to do with the Chainplates which show signs of water intrusion and the cabin floor (one of the bilge covers falls into the bilge as it looks ...
Sabre 28 Chain Plates - SailNet Community
2006年6月25日 · Sabre 28 chainplates Our 1981 Sabre 28, which we purchased in 2004, had the same problem. The previous owner repaired the bulkhead with fiberglass & epoxy but neglected to retab the bulkhead to the hull. Our 18 year old son, with the assistance of a mentor from Sabre (we live in Maine) retabbed the bulkhead and resurfaced it using 1/8" teak veneer.
Sabre 28 - lee helm on a starboard tack | SailNet Community
2016年8月31日 · I owned a Sabre 28-II for 20 years- great boat. Weather helm on one tack and lee helm on the other was never a problem so it is not an inherent problem with the design. As others have opined my guess is a bent rudder shaft.
Sabre 30 v Tartan 28 - SailNet Community
2007年9月6日 · The Sabre is a small 30 and the Tartan a big 28 so they should be roughly the same size and both are built well. It's a tough decision but if it were me I'd try and find a re-powered Sabre 30 or buy the Tartan. 28 footers are tough on re-sale though, regardless of how big they seem compared to a Sabre 30, so if you think you might eventually ...
Sabre 28 vs. Pearson 28/30 - SailNet Community
2006年8月31日 · At their ages, there shouldn't be much price difference between the 28/30 foot choicess, condition and equipment will determine which is "expensive". Tartan and C&C were premium boats compared to Pearson, and offer more space and performance than the Sabre.
Buying a Sabre 28 - questions | SailNet Community
2011年5月25日 · Hi, we have been looking for a Sabre 28. Found an '84 model that looks to be in good condition. The chainplates have had attention and leaks fixed. One thing that caught my attention is that the door under the mask step is ill fitting and will not close. The top of the door is out of alignment...
comments on sabre 28, C&C 29, Catalina 30 | SailNet Community
2008年4月10日 · Sabre 28 198 C&C 29 I 174 Cat 30 180 (Do you really mean the C&C 29 II or the first model?, the II rates 171, not many of these around.). I'ver always felt the Sabre 28 to be a bit of a blah design, well made but not too exciting and it is disctinctly slower than the other two.
Sabre 28 Cutlass Bearing - SailNet Community
2008年11月19日 · I am about to replace the cutlass on my 1975 Sabre 28. Any tips? I am mechanically included, but I am new to sailboats. Do you have to cut the shaft, or replace it with a new one? Did you have to realign the engine, etc. Sorry to pester you with questions, but experience is the best teacher and I am wondering what you learned. Steve