Sad Linus - Know Your Meme
Sad Linus is a still image of tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian taken from his January 2020 video "I've been thinking of retiring." The image, which features Linus staring solemnly at the camera with his headset on, has been used as a reaction image …
Behind The Meme: Sad Linus Tech Tips [Meme Explained]
2020年1月30日 · It's a sad week. Linus Tech Tips could be retiring. Luckily, his announcement brought memes along with it, so it's not all that sad after all. This video explores everything behind the meme....
Review of the sad linus deskpad - Linus Tech Tips
2023年4月24日 · For maximum boost to productivity I have even kept the box the deskpad came in on the shelf in my office, so if I try to sly away by turning around, I'll be met by an equally sad Linus. It's also a great deterrant for stopping me from talking stuff from work and bringing it home.
what's the deal with this meme? : r/OutOfTheLoop - Reddit
When you announce that you're considering retiring from youtube, reportedly due to depression, and then people use screencaps of your announcement to make a "sad man" meme. sadman.jpg
the vibe from today's video. : r/LinusTechTips - Reddit
2023年3月12日 · She was hired to do social media for LTT. She only worked there for maybe six months. Someone else might know more, but all they really said on WAN Show was that it didn't work out.
Was watching the latest LTT vid and noticed how sad Plouffe ... - Reddit
In the video they made about the Freesync version Linus said something about how Plouffe had his for about 6 months. This video was actually a joke. How do either of them not know how to unlock CSGO frame rate but use it as a metric to compare cpus. Both were just hitting the capped ceiling at 400fps. Actually joke.
Linus has learned nothing from last year's drama and I think it's ...
2024年9月15日 · After the massive blowup in 2023—whether it was about poor handling of internal issues, controversial reviews, or mishandling sensitive situations—the only thing he needed to do was reflect, apologize, and move on. But nope, his ego won’t allow it. Was there ANYTHING that LTT/Linus did well during the controversy? I think yes.
如何看待此次LTT停更事件? - 知乎
但LTT却连测评对象都弄错了,且由此轻易得出测评结论,加上其本身人气科技博主的身份和影响力,带来的影响大。 你可以说是,成也人气,败也人气;也可以说,欲戴皇冠,必承其重。 其实,像这样的低级错误想来在未成名的LTT看来,是绝对不可能发生的,但现在却实实在在发生了。 人总是会在顺境时夸大自己的能力,弱化事情的后果,并因此忽略基本操作,等事情后果来临时才后悔不及。 俗称“飘了”。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平 …
Linus,反华之心逐渐暴露 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年2月28日 · 科技博主 Linus,近日发表了两个视频,第一个视频广为流传,尽管叙事风格和西方媒体基本别无二致,然而在国内特供版 Steam平台 推出的语境下,似乎相关问题下的主流意见就是“Linus说的都对”,丝毫不管不顾其居高临下对我国各方面的批判。 更好笑的是,在我点出Linus前一句说“我们这随便说啥都没事”,后面一句就贴个新闻说什么我国“mysterious disappear ”这个偏见时,很多人认为这是比烂,然而前一句的反例随处可见。 这里多提一句,似乎有人 …
Linus Selfie - Know Your Meme
Sad Linus is a still image of tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian taken from his January 2020 video "I've been thinking of retiring." The image, which features Linus staring solemnly at the camera which his headset on, has been used as a reaction image and …
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