NParks | Iris domestica (variegated) - National Parks Board
Its variegated leaves are strap-like, arranged in flattened fans on short upright stems. May suffer crown rot in waterlogged soils. The information in this website has been compiled from reliable …
Blood Lily is a Cinch to Grow as a Houseplant - Scadoxus multiflorus
Bright red florets of the Blood Lily make it an eye-catching flower to grow indoors. This tropical beauty has the unfortunate name Blood Lily, but is also known as Fireball Lily for its bright red, orange-red or salmon-red flowers. The variety shown here has the correct botanical name of Scadoxus multiflorus ssp. katherinae.
Scadoxus multiflorus ssp. katherinae at San Marcos Growers
Scadoxus multiflorus ssp. katherinae (Blood Lily) - This tender bulbous evergreen rhizomatous perennial in the Amaryllis family has large broad lance-shaped bright green leaves with distinct midribs and wavy margins. The new leaves push in spring above a whitish bulb spotted with maroon (giving this plant its common name of blood lily).
Blood Lily | Order Haemanthus Bulbs online | Bulbs Direct NZ
Haemanthus, also known as Blood Lilies are a member of the Amaryllis family - Native to South Africa. Usually, each bulb puts up two quite substantial, fleshy green leaves which tend to lie flat during the Winter Months - these resemble Elephant’s ears, which is …
Christmas Lily Or Lily-Blood-Salmon (Scadoxus Multiflorus)
Frequently Asked QuestionsChristmas lily, christmas flower, christmas star, lily-blood-salmon. Family:Angiospermae - Family Amaryllidaceae. Source:Tropical Africa. Description: Herbaceous plant, perennial, bulbous, of annual growth and flowering. It can reach about 40 cm in height and leaves leaves directly from the bulb.
Blood Lily (Scadoxus Multiflorus): How to Grow and Care
2024年4月30日 · Scadoxus multiflorus, popularly known by various names such as blood lily, is a plant that draws attention for its scarlet-red flowers. Native to southern Africa and displayed in gardens and greenhouses around the world, this is a plant that has been winning the hearts of many growers, and below we will discuss more about it.
Haemanthus - Subtropical Garden
The Blood Lily group of bulbous plants from South Africa are a wonderful addition to a garden. The different species flower at different times through the year and the one giving a great display now is Haemanthus (Scadoxus) katherinae .
ORANGE LEOPARD FLOWER - Woodlands Botanical Garden
ORANGE LEOPARD FLOWER Family Iridaceae Species Name Iris domestica (Linn.) DC. Other Common Names Salmon Blood Lily
NParks | Iris domestica - National Parks Board
Ideal as free-flowering and showy groundcover in flower borders with moist, well-drained soils. Able to bloom in partial shade. Rhizomes pale brown. Propagate by division of rootball or seeds. Others: Flowers and mature seed pods used in flower arrangements. Long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine.
Scadoxus multiflorus (Blood Lily) - BBC Gardeners World …
Scadoxus multiflorus is a tender bulb native to tropical east and south Africa. It's grown for its spectacular blood-red inflorescences that give rise to its common name of blood lily. These bulbous perennials are easy to grow provided they're …