众所周知,国家现在大力推行煤改气,而燃气取暖器凭借它投资低、运行费用低、效果好、低碳、节能等优点已成为了取暖行业的... 嵌入式厨电成风口 普及之路要如何走? 传统厨电虽能基本 …
SANAU三诺旗舰店 - 京东
Sanau is a Messenger and CRM for Outsourcing and its Customers
150 companies are already using Sanau! Messenger and CRM platform for outsourcing companies and their clients. All correspondence, calls, and client files are stored on an all-in …
中山市三诺燃气具有限公司 - sanau.com
通过持之以恒的不懈努力和奋斗,公司将获得持续的生存能力、发展能力和赢利能力,逐步成长为行业内一流的优秀企业。 为社会创造财富,为客户创造价值,为员工创造发展空间,为企业 …
Company Overview - Zhongshan Sanau Gas-Appliances Co., Ltd.
Zhongshan Sanau Gas-Appliances Co., Ltd. Products:gas heater,patio gas heater,gas water heater,convector,gas stove
中山市三诺燃气具有限公司 - sanau.com
<10月> 获取sanau三诺商标,燃气取暖器一经推出市场就被认可,并创造了惊人的销售业绩。 <11月> 荣膺中国著名品牌、全国用户质量评比十佳品牌等光荣称号。
Sanau - Мессенджер и CRM для Аутсорсинга и его Клиентов
Единая платформа для Консалтинга и Аутсорсинга – переписка, звонки и файлы клиента в одном месте, все задачи под контролем, всё легко найти.
Sanau is a Messenger and CRM for Outsourcing and its Customers
SANAU Limited Liability Partnership, which is the developer and rights holder of the SANAU software product (“the Rights Holder”, “SANAU”), represented by Director Anton Vladimirovich …
Sanau is a Messenger and CRM for Outsourcing and its Customers
General-Purpose Website (https://sanau.org/) – a website for viewing general information about SANAU, Software, reading our documents and rate plans, and also for signing up for a …
Sanau - Apps on Google Play
2024年10月29日 · The Sanau mobile application is a client interface for communication with companies using Sanau as a system for managing tasks and correspondence with their …