The aim of this part of SANS 10142 is to ensure that people, animals and property are protected from hazards that can arise from the operation of an electrical installation under both normal and fault conditions.
2024年8月13日 · At the ECA (SA) we keep our members at the forefront of occurrences in the realm of health and safety standards. To this end, we announce the releaseof SANS 10142-1:2024 Edition 3.2 on 12 Augusts 2024. This is the second amendment to Edition 3.
SANS 10142-1-2020 - 道客巴巴
2021年6月30日 · ISBN 978-0-626-38495-1 SANS 10142-1:2020 Edition 3 SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARD The wiring of premises Part 1: Low-voltage installations WARNING This document references other documents normatively.
SANS 10142-1:2020 Edition 3 8.6.3 Resistance of earth continuity conductor Determine the resistance of the earth continuity conductors between the earth terminal of the distribution board under test and the earthing terminals of all points of consumption and switches supplied from the disctribution board. The
1.1 This part of SANS 10142 covers requirements for the design, erection and modification of specific, fixed, medium-voltage electrical installations in distribution systems between the point of control and the point of consumption, with nominal voltages above 1 kV a.c. not exceeding 22 kV a.c. and up to and includ...
2021年9月17日 · One of the significant changes in SANS 10142-1 Edition 3 is the bonding test (clause 8.6.2), however many electricians are still unaware that this test has been completely revised; unless, of course, they’ve attended the ECA’s CoC Refresher course or the SANS 10142-1 Updates course.
SANS 10142 1 2017 Ed 2 1 ( 3) - Archive.org
SANS 10142 1 2017 Ed 2 1 ( 3) Topics SOUTH AFRICA Collection opensource Language english-handwritten Item Size 94.0M . SANS 10142 Addeddate 2020-03-15 14:10:03 Identifier sans1014212017ed213 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t3716nr04 Ocr language not currently OCRable ...
SANS 10142-2: The wiring of premises Part 2: Medium-voltage ...
2013年1月6日 · SANS 10142-2: The wiring of premises Part 2: Medium-voltage installations above 1 kV a.c. not exceeding 22 kV a.c. and up to and including 3 000 kW installed capacity by South African Bureau of Standards
SANS 10142-1:2020: The Wiring of Premises | PDF | Electricity
SANS 10142 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The wiring of Premises
SABS认证标准解析:SANS 10142-1标准 - huayutest.com.cn
2023年4月11日 · SANS 10142-1标准是SABS(南非标准局)制定的电气安装标准,也称为南非电气安装规范。 该标准适用于所有的电气安装工作,包括住宅、商业、工业和公共场所等各个领域。 SANS 10142-1标准包含了电气安装的各个方面,如设计、施工、检验和测试等。 SANS 10142-1标准主要包括以下几个方面的要求: 设计和规划:要求电气安装设计符合南非的相关法规和标准,以及相关的安全和可靠性要求。 施工和安装:要求电气安装过程中采用适当的材料和工 …