Kohiruimaki Karen | Sword Art Online Wiki - Fandom
Her entire attire and even her gun, a P90, are dyed in a dusky pink tinged with brown to tone down the brightness. [5] As Karen is fairly tall for a Japanese woman, she was frequently teased for her height and thus developed a complex about it.
刀劍神域外傳 Gun Gale Online - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
使用的武器是p90(暱稱:小p ( ピーちゃん ,聲:楠木燈) )和一把黑色的軍刀。 在遇見Pitohui前使用的是 Vz. 61蠍式衝鋒槍 共兩把。 在SJ4因為參賽者必須持有手槍而獲Pitohui贈送兩把名為 AM. 45 Vorpal Bunny 的定製手槍。
2022年4月6日 · We dual wield the P-chan P90 in Sword Art Online! We use two P90s and defeat bosses in SAO. We progress through the main story and complete quests.0:00 We Du...
Karen Kohiruimaki | Dengeki Wiki | Fandom
P90 (P-chan): LLENN's signature pink submachine-gun. The first was destroyed in SJ1, the second was destroyed in SJ2. She currently owns P-chan The Third which she used in SJ3 and SJ4.
P-90 バージョン・レン - 電動ガン スタンダードタイプ | 東京マ …
アニメ「ソードアート・オンライン オルタナティブ ガンゲイル・オンライン」とのコラボレーションモデル「P-90 バージョン・レン」が、完全限定生産で発売決定! 主人公レンの愛銃「ピーちゃん」ことピンクのP-90を、原作者監修により、劇中の雰囲気そのままの質感で再現。 さらに、原作:時雨沢恵一先生書き下ろし短編小説をはじめ、作品の世界をより楽しむ数々の特典が詰まった豪華仕様となっています。 製品化にあたり、原作・時雨沢恵一先生と銃器設定 …
CHARACTER|Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online 2 …
A petite female player, less than 150 cm (4’9’) tall. Possessing high AGI, her specialty is close combat that maximizes her speed. Loves anything adorable, and dresses entirely in pink. Her main weapon is the P90, which she calls “P-chan.”
Tokyo Marui P90 Ver.LLENN (Gun Gale Online) Airsoft AEG
Uniquely designed after "P Chan" from Gun Gale Online Llenn's pink P90 SMG. Fully functional as any P90 AEG. Includes red dot attached to gun. Good for 380fps. Comes with two 68 round magazine. Magazine Compatibility - Tokyo Marui P90 AEG magazines.
P-Chan from SAO Alternative: GGO (or at least a close ... - Reddit
2020年2月18日 · If you want to build a proper P-chan on the P90: Using the base P90 with a pink camo is actually a far better match than this blueprint, which uses the "fictionalized" alternate P90 model, and attaching the built-in sight it should have ruins the pink skin. True, good point.
I'M FEELIN LIKE LLENN WITH THE P90 [Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet]
2021年9月9日 · The P90 P-chan in SAO is heat! I use the Potassium, which is the P90 in Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet. We progress through the main story and fight another d...
Sword Art Online: Alternative Gun Gale Online - Season 1
FN P90. The FN P90 is used as the primary weapon of choice by LLENN aka Karen Kohiruimaki in Gun Gale Online. An AEG version is seen in Karen's apartment in some occasions.
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