Saqqaq culture - Wikipedia
The Saqqaq culture (named after the Saqqaq settlement, the site of many archaeological finds) was a Paleo-Eskimo culture in southern Greenland. Up to this day, no other people seem to have lived in Greenland continually for as long as the Saqqaq.
薩卡克文化 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
薩卡克文化 (英語: Saqqaq culture)是南 格陵蘭 地區的一個 古愛斯基摩 (英语:Paleo-Eskimo) 文化。 名稱來自已有許多考古發現的 薩卡克 (英语:Saqqaq) 遺址。 薩卡克人是現在格陵蘭地區已知居住時間最久的族群。 薩卡克文化是南格陵蘭地區發現到最早的 考古學文化,存在時間約在西元前2500年到西元前800年 [1][2]。 這個文化與 獨立一號文化 (英语:Independence I culture) (約西元前2400年到西元前1300年)同時存在 [1]。 在薩卡克文化 …
Saqqaq - Wikipedia
Saqqaq (old spelling: Sarqaq) is a settlement in the Avannaata municipality in western Greenland. Founded in 1755 as Solsiden, Saqqaq had 132 inhabitants in 2020. [1] . The village's Kalaallisut name is a translation of the Danish meaning "Sunny Side", in reference to its position relative to Livets Top. It is the site name for the Saqqaq culture.
Saqqaq culture chronology - Nationalmuseet
The Saqqaq culture is the archaeological designation of the earliest pre-Inuit culture of West and Southeast Greenland. The time frame is roughly 2.500 BC - 800 BC. The upper time limit is currently being questioned in connection with the discussion on the transition from Saqqaq to Greenlandic Dorset in West Greenland.
Independence I and Saqqaq: The First Greenlanders
2016年8月3日 · Two permanently frozen Saqqaq sites in Disko Bugt, west Greenland, with excellent preservation conditions for organic artifacts, have yielded unique insight into the material culture, subsistence economy, daily life, and settlement patterns of these Paleoeskimo pioneers.
Around 2,500 BC the first representatives from the cultural complex called the Arctic Small Tool Tradition arrived in the western part of Greenland, where it is called the Saqqaq culture. In North-east Greenland it is called Independence I. This paper presents new results from the Saqqaq culture in the Sisimiut region of West Greenland.
New adaptive strategies in the Saqqaq culture of Greenland, c.
2010年7月15日 · Around 2,500 BC the first representatives from the cultural complex called the Arctic Small Tool Tradition arrived in the western part of Greenland, where it is called the Saqqaq culture. In Northeast Greenland it is called Independence I. This paper presents new results from the Saqqaq culture in the Sisimiut region of West Greenland.
The Backbone of the Saqqaq Culture: A Study of the Nonmaterial ...
2012年1月1日 · Analyses of technology and design suggest that the material culture of the early ASTt acted as a constant reminder of strict cultural norms within which these geographically widespread and mobile...
Saqqaq: An Inuit Hunting Community in the Modern World
Dahl demonstrates that Saqqaq and other communities have adapted to colonial and post-colonial influences by combining their practices of hunting and fishing with other forms of employment. In the midst of these economic developments, however, hunters are losing control over their traditional lands.