Sarmatians - Wikipedia
The Sarmatians (/ sɑːrˈmeɪʃiənz /; Ancient Greek: Σαρμάται, romanized: Sarmatai; Latin: Sarmatae [ˈsarmatae̯]) were a large confederation of ancient Iranian equestrian nomadic peoples who dominated the Pontic steppe from about the 5th century BC to the 4th century AD. [2]
薩馬提亞人 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
萨马提亚人 (Sarmatians)是上古时期位于 斯基泰 西部的一个游牧部落联盟,它第一次被提及是在公元前512年。 老普林尼 在作品中认为 拉丁语 中的“Sarmatae”与 希腊语 中的“Sauromatae”的意思是相同的。 在萨尔马提亚人鼎盛时期,其部落分布在西到 维斯瓦河 和 多瑙河 、东到 伏尔加河 、北到神秘而寒冷的 许珀耳玻瑞亚 、南到 黑海 和 里海 的区域内。 有关萨尔马提亚人的最重要的考古发现发生在 俄罗斯 克拉斯诺达尔边疆区 境内。 他們是 欽察 人其中一族源, 奄蔡 即是 …
Sarmatia - Wikipedia
Sarmatia was a region of the Eurasian steppe inhabited by the Sarmatians. Maciej Miechowita (1457–1523) used "Sarmatia" for the Black Sea region and further divided it into Sarmatia Europea, which included East Central Europe, and Sarmatia Asiatica. [1]
Sarmatian | History, Culture & Language | Britannica
2025年2月13日 · Like the Scythians to whom they were closely related, the Sarmatians were highly developed in horsemanship and warfare. Their administrative capability and political astuteness contributed to their gaining widespread influence. By the 5th century bc the Sarmatians held control of the land between the Urals and the Don River.
萨尔马泰最初被称作萨夫罗马泰,见于古希腊历史学家希罗多德等人的著作;公元前4世纪后半叶起称萨尔马泰。 中国文献所记“奄蔡”即是萨尔马泰人的支系 阿兰人。 该文化有设防的古城,以托博尔河西岸的丘达基古城最为重要。 该城为不规则椭圆形,周围有2米深的壕沟,房屋由前后两室组成,面积甚大,墙壁涂泥。 该文化的墓葬多为土葬,少数为火葬。 单人葬居多,少数多名男子或男女合葬。 随葬品有祭肉、兵器、马具、陶器和饰物。 另有氏族部落贵族、军事首领的厚 …
Sarmatism - Wikipedia
Sarmatia (Polish: Sarmacja) was a semi-legendary, poetic name for Poland that was fashionable into the 18th century, and which designated qualities associated with the literate citizenry of the vast Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. Sarmatism greatly affected the culture, lifestyle and ideology of the Polish nobility.
斯基泰王朝(大约公元前7世纪中叶~大约公元前3世纪),西徐亚王国的奴隶制王朝,因为统治者为 斯基泰人 而得名(西徐亚人 (Scythians),又译西古提人(圣经和合本歌罗西书3:11)、斯基泰人或赛西亚人,中国史书普遍称之为塞族或萨迦人),国王具体人数不详,大约统治400多年。
Sarmația - Wikipedia
Sarmația, denumită așa de grecii și romanii din Antichitate, este o regiune de depresiune, situată între râurile Vistula la vest, Volga la est, la nord Marea Baltică și la sud mărginită de Marea Neagră. Populațiile care locuiau în acest ținut erau denumiți sarmați, ocupația lor principală fiind agricultura și creșterea vitelor.
Sarmatians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Zubiaga
2009年4月6日 · The Sarmatians, Sarmatæ or Sauromatæ (Persian: سَرمَتی ها, Old Iranian Sarumatah 'archer' 1, Greek: Σαρμάτες) were a people of Ancient Iranian origin 21.
The Scythians and Sarmatians (Chapter 4) - The Cambridge …
2008年3月28日 · The archeological materials dating back to the Scythians and Sarmatians are now enormous; thousands of burial sites have been examined, helping us to formulate and to resolve a number of questions about the Scythian and …
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