Saturn IB - Wikipedia
The Saturn IB [a] (also known as the uprated Saturn I) was an American launch vehicle commissioned by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for the Apollo program. It uprated the Saturn I by replacing the S-IV second stage (90,000-pound-force (400,000 N), 43,380,000 lb-sec total impulse), with the S-IVB (200,000-pound-force ...
土星1B號運載火箭 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
土星1B號運載火箭(Saturn IB)為土星1号运载火箭的升級版,附設一個更強力的第二級推進階段 — S-IVB。 和土星1號不同,土星1B號有足夠載重量來發射 阿波羅指揮/服務艙 或 登月艙 至地球軌道,這令土星1B號成為測試阿波羅 太空船 的重要工具(當時能運載太空 ...
土星1B运载火箭 - 百度百科
土星1B运载火箭(Saturn IB)为土星1号运载火箭的升级版,为“土星系列”运载火箭的第二代。 该火箭是美国国家航空航天局(NASA)为阿波罗计划而研制的,是测试阿波罗太空船的重要工具。
土星1B - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻 …
土星1B (Saturn IB)是美国在 土星1号 基础上研制的一型重型火箭(美国标准),也是世界第一型大型运载火箭(中国标准)(详见 运载火箭/分类)。 该火箭主要用来向近地轨道发射 阿波罗飞船,参与了阿波罗计划、 阿波罗-联盟测试体 工程和 天空实验室 工程。 土星1B是大型两级火箭。 其在 土星1号 基础上,取消了没用的三级火箭,大幅改进了二级火箭,并对一级火箭进行小幅改进。 一级火箭长24.5米,直径6.6米,结构质量38吨,推进剂质量414.2吨,干质比10.9,工作时 …
In 1966, the Saturn IB, an improved version of the Saturn I, was brought into service to meet increasing demands of the Apollo program. Conceived and developed as the Saturn C-IB, the “C” was removed from the name of all Saturn rockets in February, 1963.
A Forgotten Rocket: The Saturn IB - WIRED
2013年9月16日 · Saturn IB rockets boosted Apollo CSM spacecraft bearing astronauts into low-Earth orbit just five times. The first piloted Saturn IB, designated SA-205, launched Apollo 7 on 11 October 1968....
Saturn IB - Encyclopedia Astronautica
American orbital launch vehicle. Improved Saturn I, with uprated first stage and Saturn IVB second stage (common with Saturn V) replacing Saturn IV. Used for earth orbit flight tests of Apollo CSM and LM. Status: Retired 1975. First Launch: 1966-02-26. Last Launch: 1975-07-15. Number: 7 . Payload: 18,600 kg (41,000 lb).
土星IB的首飞 | NASA中文
On Feb. 26, 1966, AS-201, the first Saturn IB rocket, lifted off from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. Designed and developed by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, the AS-201 mission was an uncrewed suborbital flight to test the Saturn …
Saturn IB - Next Spaceflight
The Saturn IB (pronounced "Saturn one bee", also known as the uprated Saturn I) was an American launch vehicle commissioned by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for the Apollo program. It was an uprated Saturn I, replacing the S-IV second stage with the much more powerful S-IVB.
Saturn IB Vehicle Overview - Rocket Launch
A complete overview of the Saturn IB launch vehicle, including launch stats, vehicle info and launch locations. The Saturn IB (pronounced "one B", also known as the Uprated Saturn I) was an American launch vehicle commissioned by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for the Apollo program.