Sau3AI - NEB
One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme required to digest 1 µg of λ DNA in 1 hour at 37°C in a total reaction volume of 50 µl. Sau3AI and DpnII are isoschizomers of MboI. Blocked by …
Sau3AI - NEB
一个单位是指在 50 µl 的总反应体系中,在 37℃ 下,1 小时内酶切 1 µg λ DNA 所需的酶量。 Sau3AI 和 DpnII 是 MboI 的同裂酶。 CpG 甲基化与酶切位点重叠阻断酶切。 Why Choose …
常规限制酶Mbo I (Sau3A I) - Takara
2025年3月1日 · 不受CG methylase的影响,但受dam methylase影响。 所以,切不断从一般大肠杆菌中提取出的DNA。 高甘油浓度、Mn2+存在条件下,识别序列会发生变化。 识别位点 制 …
Bsp143I (Sau3AI) (10 U/μL) - 赛默飞世尔科技公司
Thermo Scientific Bsp143I (Sau3AI) 限制性内切酶可识别 ^GATC 位点,于 37°C 下在其独特的缓冲液中的切割效果最佳(同裂酶:BfuCI、BssMI、BstKTI、BstMBI、DpnII、Kzo9I、NdeII …
Bsp143I (Sau3AI) (10 U/μL) - Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Scientific Bsp143I (Sau3AI) restriction enzyme recognizes ^GATC sites and cuts best at 37°C in its own unique buffer (Isoschizomers: BfuCI, BssMI, BstKTI, BstMBI, DpnII, Kzo9I, …
Sau - Journal of Biological Chemistry
Here, we report that Sau 3AI, an unusually large type II restriction enzyme with sequence homology to the mismatch repair protein MutH, is a monomeric enzyme as shown by gel …
Sau3AI, a Monomeric Type II Restriction Endonuclease
2001年6月29日 · Here, we report that Sau 3AI, an unusually large type II restriction enzyme with sequence homology to the mismatch repair protein MutH, is a monomeric enzyme as shown …
限制性内切酶Sau3AI的结构与功能研究 - 百度百科
《限制性内切酶Sau3AI的结构与功能研究》是依托复旦大学,由胡小健担任项目负责人的青年科学基金项目。 项目摘要. 限制性内切酶Sau3AI识别并酶切含GATC序列的DNA链,由于其对DNA …
Sau3AI, a monomeric type II restriction endonuclease that
2001年6月29日 · Here, we report that Sau3AI, an unusually large type II restriction enzyme with sequence homology to the mismatch repair protein MutH, is a monomeric enzyme as shown …
Sau3A I Restriction Enzyme 81295-28-5 - MilliporeSigma
Cutting results: A 2-10-fold Sau3A I overdigestion of 1 μg λ DNA substrate results in 100% cutting. Heat inactivation: 65 °C for 20 minutes. Sau 3AI is a DNA restriction enzyme that cuts …