Mission Water - Saur
Saur is a leading innovator and service provider in the global water sector. Explore trends, face challenges and meet people in the dynamic world of water through the Mission Water, News and Water Champion stories below
Saur : société d'eau de France, fournisseur d eau en France - Saur
Saur est un innovateur et un fournisseur mondial de services de premier plan de la gestion de l’eau. Explorez les tendances, rencontrez nos collaborateurs, consultez nos dernières actualités et découvrez notre mission en action - Mission Water.
Investors - Saur
2022年4月4日 · Saur is a pure player of the water sector. With its three divisions – Water Services, Water Engineering and Industrial Water Solutions – the firm offers a high-technology portfolio that covers the entire spectrum of global water challenges.
Water Services - Saur
Many thousands of municipalities across Europe and the Middle East rely on Saur’s Water Services division to provide their citizens with clean drinking water and efficient, effective wastewater treatment.
Saur wins a 5-year extension of its partnership with Marafiq for the ...
2020年1月20日 · The renewal of this contract reflects the confidence of Marafiq in its partnership with Saur, and its recognition of the improvements made since 2012. It consolidates the presence of Saur in Saudi Arabia at a time when the Kingdom has embarked on an unprecedented programme of water services investment and privatisation.
Vision, purpose, and values - Saur
Our company culture at Saur is built on six core values. These values are rooted in our company's history, and are nurtured by our many years of practical experience in the sector. They guide our decisions and behavior on a day-to-day basis.
Consultation citoyenne - Saur
A l'occasion de ses 90 ans, le groupe Saur a mené une consultation citoyenne en collaboration avec l'organisme Make.org. Cette démarche inédite, en lien avec notre raison d'être, a mobilisé des milliers de participants à travers la France, afin de recueillir leurs idées et propositions sur les solutions concrètes à adopter pour mieux ...
Citizen consultation - Saur
Find out more about the results of Saur's citizen consultation and the Make.org organisation
Saur Group wins a major new contract in Saudi Arabia and …
The consortium led by the Saur group has won a major new contract in Saudi Arabia as part of the country’s water infrastructure privatization policy, promoted via the “Vision 2030” program;
Traitement, distribution d'eau potable dans le monde ... - Saur
31,8 € millions investis dans l’innovation, 550 millions de m3 d’eau traitée. Consultez nos chiffres pour avoir une idée des activités et de l'impact de Saur dans le monde.