Sax.co.uk - Yamaha YBS-82 Custom Baritone Saxophone
2021年3月17日 · However, these features are also available now on the latest version of the 62 bari. (Note that Jim tested the 82 against an older 62, not against the brand-new 62.) So, if you go for the 82, you'd better hope that that the "Custom brass" is worth the extra $2,758 you'd have to pay even at sax.co.uk discounted prices.
Sax.co.uk - Sax on the Web Forum
2006年11月18日 · Advanced Search Cancel ...
New Atlantic London professional saxophones by Sax.co.uk
2024年5月30日 · At 5:52 he discusses the Reso Plus neck iterations they worked through. I'd be interested to hear if they studied the new Selmer Supreme necks' interior/ exterior given Sax.co was one of the first shops to get the Supreme models. Or perhaps they went in a more traditional tenon/ receiver direction.
Selmer Supreme or Signature? | Sax on the Web Forum
2024年11月20日 · An interesting video from sax.co.uk asking why the new Signature is not getting the love the Supreme gets. I think Jim, being a good salesman, misses the main point: if you are going to drop a metric sh*t tonne on a new Selmer, the marginal cost difference between the two means that you go for the top-of-the-line, not the "cheaper" model.
Another Chinese Bass - Sax on the Web Forum
2020年12月15日 · So I DID buy a Sakkusu from sax.co.uk. Looks like the same Bass as Levante, Wessex or International Woodwinds. Even with import duties, I came out cheaper than the Levante. I found an old Selmer S80 E facing mouthpiece and that thing works like a charm on this bass (short wrap Selmer Copy).
New Atlantic London professional saxophones by Sax.co.uk
2024年5月31日 · Atlantic London "The Duke" model. Wow, they're both lovely and that alto sounds HUGE! Through my studio monitors (which can be very unforgiving), these have a wonderful vintage sonic character. I dig that Art Deco styled engraving and the …
Sakkusu saxes (particularly baritone) | Sax on the Web Forum
2013年9月14日 · Hey sax-maniacs out there! There's no section for SAKKUSU saxes, now why is that? They seem to be sax.co.uk 's own brand, no doubt made in China, but the aforementioned establishments being pretty reputable, and with very good prices, it would be nice to know what you top players think of them, particularly in my case the latest baritone model(s).
Budget Bass Sax - Sax on the Web Forum
2021年9月28日 · I'm considering getting a Bass Sax, and as I don't have seventeen grand to spend, I'm looking at the budget options. I'm in the UK, so it's got to be from the UK or Europe. The ones I've found are Thomann (£2589), Zetland (£3750), Gear4music (£3999), Sax.co.uk (£3999) and Wessex (£5785)
Sax.co.uk - Lacquered Vs Unlacquered - Feat. Yanagisawa...
2020年7月28日 · Personally, I like gold in small accents, but in big objects like a sax, it's not particularly pretty, and a bit too attention grabbing. The bigger the sax the more flamboyant gold feels. Some makers, like Jupiter, seem to go more for the warm faux gold hues instead of yellower brassy hue. I'm more a fan of the latter.
UK only - how/where to sell my sax? - Sax on the Web Forum
2022年5月30日 · Ooh I'm in Southampton too! You could try Dawkes.co.uk in Maidenhead - probably similar commission to howarths but worth checking. There's also the UK based sax forum cafesaxophone, although you'd need to build up some posts as a contributing member before being eligible to use the sales bit of their website.