This table provides a summary of the target boundary, timeframe, method eligibility, and minimum ambition requirements for near and long-term science-based targets. SETTING LONG-TERM NET-ZERO SCIENCE-BASED TARGETS.………………….....…….9
We develop standards, tools and guidance which allow companies to set greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions targets in line with what is needed to keep global heating below catastrophic levels and reach net-zero by 2050 at latest. The SBTi is incorporated as a charity, with a subsidiary which will host our target validation services.
SBTi recommendations are important for transparency and best practices, but are not required. The Target Validation Protocol describes the underlying principles, process, and criteria followed to assess targets and to determine conformance with the SBTi Criteria.
ABOUT SBTI SERVICES ... 2.1 and Table 2.2 of thesubmission form. CriteriaAssessmentIndicators October2024 | 13. Cr i ter i a Assessm en t I n d i cato r Ap p l i cab i l i ty Descr i p ti o n Mi n i m u m Do cu m en tati o n Req u i …
SBTi Services independently assesses corporate and financial institution science-based emission reduction targets. To support these services, the Criteria Assessment Tables in this document outline the major checks conducted by the SBTi during the validation process, to ensure conformance with SBTi criteria.
SBTi科学碳目标 | 一文看懂 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
科学碳目标(Science Based Targets, SBT): 企业碳减排目标设定符合 《巴黎协定》 要求,即把本世纪末的全球平均温度升幅控制在比工业化之前高2度以内,争取在1.5度内, 可视为是“科学的”减排目标。 科学碳目标一般要包括目标的期限,以及是否覆盖范围一、二及三产生的排放,可分为近期目标、长期目标、净零目标。 为什么要设立科学碳目标? 据SBTi官方信息显示,截至2023年2月底,全球约有4677家机构签署科学碳目标倡议,承诺设定科学碳目标。 其中我国 …
SBTI與ISO 14068-1減碳目標比較及SBTI研討會摘要 (中英文)
2025年1月17日 · Both the SBTI and ISO 14068-1 standards emphasize the importance of science-based carbon targets and emission reduction planning, but the ISO 14068-1 standard has stricter requirements regarding documentation systems, the use of carbon credits, and claims of carbon neutrality.
This table, split into three pages, describes the SBTi’s sector-specific requirements related to the use of target-setting methodologies and minimum ambition levels.
SBTi-Finance Tool for Temperature Scoring & Portfolio Coverage
The SBTi has developed a codebase to function as a calculator for the portfolio coverage and temperature scoring methods. This tool is fed with the necessary data to generate temperature scores...
The SBTi strongly recommends that companies review Table 1 in the Target Validation Protocol for Near-term Targets that further details SBTi criteria for Near-term Targets compliance and non-compliance before commencing target development.
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