SCP-2993 - SCP Foundation
2023年9月28日 · Description: SCP-2993 appears to be an unremarkable pair of aviator sunglasses with no visible markings or logos. The durability of SCP-2993 is unremarkable and without proper care may be damaged in a way similar to its non-anomalous counterparts. When viewed from the front, SCP-2993 is opaque and acts as a mirror. No form of radiation is able ...
SCP-2993 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-2993被发现时,是一个没有任何标识、标志和寿命标识的飞行员墨镜。 当从前面看时SCP-2993不透明,并且像镜面一样反射光。 任何辐射都不能穿过SCP-2993,包括可见光若其原始构成部分质量仍大于50%,为SCP-2993更换零件将不会影响其原始性质。 当测试者从后面看SCP-2993时,SCP-2993的异常性质方可显现:被测试者戴上SCP-2993时,SCP-2993会显示出6小时前该视角的景象。 (详见附录SCP-2993-1)
SCP-CN-2993 - SCP基金會中文沙盒站 - Wikidot
描述:scp-cn-2993是一个无厚度的50*20规格裂缝,与scp-1162(旧)的特性相同。此异常个体会在不涌出怪物后30分钟内更换位置,并且重新开始怪物涌出。 此异常个体会在不涌出怪物后30分钟内更换位置,并且重新开始怪物涌出。
SCP-CN-2993 - SCP International - Wikidot
SCP-CN-2993 was initially discovered in an incident on 2010/2/21. A 14-year-old male, Yang , fell off the top of the building. Yang's head was facing towards the ground, causing him to die immediately; in his hands was the corpse of a cat.
CN-HUB - SCP International - Wikidot
"You're right, but "Memeism" is a brand new SCP-CN canon hub initiated by Ninth BB. The hub takes place in a fantasy world called 'SCPverse', where those chosen by the authors are granted the 'Meme', which guides memetic power.
SCP-2992 - SCP基金会
scp-2992称自己原本为普通人类,直至遭遇一个未知实体(暂且称为scp-2992-1)。 依据采访,SCP-2992称SCP-2992-1是一个无形的智能实体,能存在于该模因效应所传播到的一切地方。
【SCP基金会】SCP-2000~SCP-2999(搬运自官网) - 哔哩哔哩
scp-2992 - 一切流归韵律; scp-2993 - 一副墨镜; scp-2994 - 互動白板; scp-2995 - 光之子; scp-2996 - 错误 / 错误; scp-2997 - 逝者秘尘; scp-2998 - 异常信息,2485mhz; scp-2999 - 黑貓與白兔
SCP-2993 - A Pair of Sunglasses | Reading - YouTube
2021年2月11日 · The SCP foundation secures anomalous objects, entities, individuals and locations for study and protection. SCP-2993 is one such SCP that said foundation cur...
"When viewed from the front, SCP-2993... - The SCP Foundation
2016年10月9日 · "When viewed from the front, SCP-2993 is opaque and acts as a mirror. No form of radiation is able to pass through SCP-2993, including visible light. Replacing parts of SCP-2993 while preserving its...
SCP-CN-2993 - SCP基金会
scp-cn-2993 最初被发现于 2010/2/21 日的一起案件中,一名 14 岁的男子杨 于该项目坠楼。 该人员以头朝下着地,当场死亡,手中持有一只死猫。 其衣物已被血溅湿,但仍有少许血液被辨认为坠楼之前的残留物,后续被鉴定为其手中死猫的血液。
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