Playstation 1 - RetroPie Docs
Emulators: lr-pcsx_rearmed, PCSX-ReARMed, lr-beetle-psx lr-pcsx_rearmed Recommended for Raspberry Pi 2-4. The features of RetroArch combined with PCSX-ReARMed's excellent Dynamic Recompiler allow for an adequate PlayStation emulation experience, though expect some inaccurate emulation. PCSX-ReARMed Recommended for Raspberry Pi 0/1 due to its lower system requirements, though expect some ...
PSX - some bios files are missing? (RetroPie Manager)
2017年4月10日 · Yeah, i know. And i know it is not allowed to ask but where can i get these files!? O.o If i look on github there is only a complete .zip with mysterious file endings in there :D
PSX Bios installed but not recognized - RetroPie Forum
2017年8月31日 · I installed three PSX BIOS Files in the BIOS folder. (scph5500.bin, scph5501.bin scph5502.bin) The md5 checksum is correct for these files. Also, I installed the retropie-manager package and when I look at the bios page it seems that the BIOS files are correct (the three entries are decorated and followed with a checkbox).
RetroPie PCSX (PSX) Japanese BIOS - RetroPie Forum
2016年5月27日 · I have RetroPie setup to play the US version of PlayStation games but I can't get the Japanese games to work. I have these PSX BIOS files in my BIOS directory right now (1st one uppercase & the rest lowercase): SCPH1001.BIN scph5500.bin scph5501.bin scph5502.bin From my knowledge PSX BIOS files ending with 00 are Japan, 01 are US and 02 are Europe.
Systems in RetroPie
All pixel consoles hand drawn by the talented Rookervik – Please give proper attribution if you use the console images.
scph5501.bin file missing Ubuntu 18 - RetroPie Forum
2023年5月23日 · @lexieye said in scph5501.bin file missing Ubuntu 18: @lexieye I’m thinking RetroPie is working properly is because I’m trying to play Crash Bandicoot USA version and it’s asking for 5501 bios but RetroArch isn’t looking in the right place The same location is configured by RetroPie regardless of platform (Pi or PC). You can check in the RetroArch's menu for the folder location ...
need help Psx Emulation can load games ...! - RetroPie Forum
2024年2月10日 · @akumoo If you can, try the same game but find it from a different source. Just to rule out that it's not a rom issue. You can try and the lr-pcsx-rearmed emulator. Do you have the correct bios files? Beetle Psx needs : scph5500.bin scph5501.bin scph5502.bin
Retro Pie 4.2 PSX "Bios not found" - RetroPie Forum
2017年4月19日 · Same issue. RetroPie is installed on a Pi3, ROMs are on a USB flash drive formatted to FAT32. ROMs are in retropie/roms/psx The emulator sees without issues: CTR - Crash Team Racing (USA).bin CTR - Crash Team Racing (USA).cue BIOS files are in retropie/BIOS SCPH1001.bin SCPH5500.bin I've tried: scph1001.bin SCPH1001.BIN Keep getting the same error, "bios not found expect bugs". Any ideas?
SCPH1001.BIN not recognized - RetroPie Forum
2017年9月19日 · Hi, I am trying to figure out the PSX emulator on my retropie3 and I think I'm almost getting there. scph5500.bin scph5502.bin and scph5503.bin are in the Bi...
Error Firmware is missing - RetroPie Forum
2020年4月20日 · I don't understand what i am doing wrong here. When launching any psx rom. I get "firmware is missing: scph5501.bin". I have the bios file (SCPH5501.BIN) is ...