The Application of the Seismic Cone Penetration Test (SCPTU) in …
Mar 8, 2020 · In complex tailings storage conditions, the reliability of the piezometric method may be questioned. The Seismic Cone Penetration Test (SCPTU) can meet high test standards.
ConeTec Site Investigation | Seismic Testing Services
Seismic Cone Penetration Testing is a highly accurate and cost-effective geophysical technique that obtains downhole Vs & Vp measurements, along with CPT results.
基于SCPTU测试的小应变硬化土 模型参数确定方法及应用
本文提出基于地震波孔压静力触探(SCPTU)测试的土体HSS 模型参数取值方法。 由于SCPTU测试在土体原位状态下进行,克服了室内试验存在的取样扰动问题。 通过太湖隧道基坑工程SCPTU 测试,确定了土体的HSS模型参数。将该参数应用于室内试验和基坑开挖模拟, 并且与实测结果进行了比较。 结果表明:数值模拟获取的土体固结不排水三轴剪切试验及压缩试验应力-...
基于地震波孔压静力触探(SCPTU)刚性桩承载力预测及荷载响应分 …
Oct 26, 2016 · 江苏大学,江苏 镇江 212013)摘 要:基于地震波孔压静力触探 (SCPTU)资料对桩侧摩阻力和桩端承载力进行预测,同时提供了土层剖面特征。 应用弹性理论通过实测的剪切波速估算初始桩土刚度。 提出了修正双曲线法应用于弹性模量随着轴向荷载增大的非线性响应,实现了对刚性桩的荷载 - 沉降 - ... 第 36 卷第 5 期 煤 炭 学 报 Vol. 36 No. 52011 年 5 月JOURNAL OF CHINA COAL SOCIETY May 2011文章编号:0253 -9993 (2011)05 -0784 -06基于地震波孔 …
Liquefaction assessments using seismic piezocone penetration (SCPTU …
Oct 1, 2012 · Shear wave velocity (Vs) measurements from seismic piezocone penetration (SCPTU) soundings have been increasingly used for site characterization and liquefaction potential assessments. Several sites in Tangshan region, China liquefied during the Tangshan earthquake, Mw =7.8 in 1976 and these sites were characterized recently …
Il sistema di acquisizione delle onde sismiche è composto da un geofono installato nella punta elettrica (sismocono) e da un secondo geofono posizionato in superficie in modo solidale al terreno.
Cone penetration test dataset Premstaller Geotechnik
Feb 1, 2021 · The dataset contains 1339 cone penetration tests (CPT, CPTu, SCPT, SCPTu) executed within Austria and Germany by the company Premstaller Geotechnik ZT GmbH.
In this study, a database containing four stress-normalized SCPTU parameters is compiled and analyzed for the Jiangsu cohesionless soils using a multivariate distri-bution model. This multivariate method has been shown to be a sounding approach to capture the multi-dependencies among different soil properties [3, 4].
Correlation of engineering parameters of the presumpscot …
silt/sand seams, seismic design parameters, and liquefaction potential can also be obtained from SCPTu results. The objective of this study is to evaluate the SCPTu as a tool to predict engineering properties of the Presumpscot Clay. When. for the deposit.
基于SCPTU测试的软土基坑开挖数值模拟研究 - Magtech
由于地震波孔压静力触探 (SCPTU)测试在土体原位状态下进行,克服了室内试验存在的取样扰动问题,本文提出采用SCPTU测试确定南京长江漫滩地区某地铁车站基坑周围深厚软土HSS模型参数的方法,进而采用该方法确定的参数对基坑开挖引起的地下连续墙水平位移及坑侧地表沉降进行了模拟。 基于SCPTU的数值模拟结果分别与实测值以及基于土体压缩模量的数值模拟结果进行了对比。 结果表明:基坑开挖完成后,基于SCPTU测试的地下连续墙最大水平位移模拟值约为1.16 …
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