Sd.Kfz. 10 - Wikipedia
The Sd.Kfz. 10 (Sonderkraftfahrzeug – special motorized vehicle) was a German half-track that saw widespread use in World War II. Its main role was as a prime mover for small towed guns, such as the 2 cm Flak 30, the 7.5 cm leIG, or the 3.7 cm Pak 36 anti-tank gun. It could carry eight troops in addition to towing a gun or trailer.
二战坦克装甲车——德国半履带车系列及变形车 - 知乎
Sdkfz 10/1是侦毒车,Sdkfz 10/2是防化消毒车,Sdkfz 10/3是毒气释放车,因为二战中没有使用毒气,所以没有使用,这里只列举Sdkfz 10/4和Sdkfz 10/5。 装备时间:1938年
Sd.Kfz.10 Light German half track prime mover - Truck Encyclopedia
The smallest German half-track prime mover of WW2 (apart the kettenkrad), the Sd.Kfz.10 revealed itself the most affordable and suitable for mass production, and also able to carry most light to medium weaponry.
List of Sd.Kfz. designations - Wikipedia
Sonderkraftfahrzeug (abbreviated Sd.Kfz., [1] German for "special purpose vehicle") was the ordnance inventory designation used by Nazi Germany before and during World War II for military vehicles; for example Sd.Kfz. 101 for the Panzer I, and Sd.Kfz. 251 for the armored personnel carrier made by Hanomag.
二战德国装甲车辆(十)(Sd.Kfz.1—10) - 知乎专栏
“Sd.Kfz”,全称Sonderkraft fahrzeug,意为特种车辆,在关于二战德军的介绍中会经常出现. Sd.Kfz.1于1918年在KD-1炮兵车的底盘上改造而成,配备了一门7.7cm Flak防空炮,在30年代间服役,可能参与了早期的一些战役. Krupp/Daimler KD-1 Geschützkraftwagen Kraftwagen 19
Sd.Kfz.——二战中的部分德军车辆及其编号 - 百度贴吧
Sd.Kfz.——德语“Sonderkraftfahrzeug”的缩写,可译为“特种机动车辆”,以下为二战中的部分德军车辆及其编号。 Sd.Kfz. 234/2 “美洲狮”八轮重型装甲侦察车 (50毫米炮KwK. L/60) Sd.Kfz. 234/3 八轮重型装甲侦察车 (75毫米炮 StuK. L/24) Sd.Kfz251系列装甲输送车是用博格瓦德 (Borgward)公司3tHLKL6型半履带式运输车底盘研制的,主要用来输送人员,1939年-1945年间在德军中服役,包括各种变型车在内,其生产量共1.6万辆。 该车的战斗全重8.5t,被列为中型半履带式装甲输 …
SdKfz 10 leichter ZugKraftwagen lt 1-Ton Light Half-Track Vehicle
2021年3月22日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the SdKfz 10 leichter ZugKraftwagen lt 1-Ton Light Half-Track Vehicle including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
Sd.Kfz.10 Gepanzerte (1941-44) - tank-afv.com
The Demag "special vehicle 10" (abbreviated as Sd.Kfz.10) - Full article was the lightest prime mover half-track of the Wehrmacht during WW2, outside the Ketternkrad. Its design went back to 1934 after a line of prototypes made by Demag AG.
为什么德军的车辆名称前缀都是 Sd.Kfz. - 百度知道
Sd.Kfz.—— 德语 “Sonderkraftfahrzeug”的缩写,可译为“特种机动车辆”,以下为 二战 中的部分德军车辆及其编号。 Sd.Kfz. 234/2 “美洲狮”八轮重型装甲侦察车 (50毫米炮KwK. L/60) Sd.Kfz. 234/3 八轮重型装甲侦察车 (75毫米炮 StuK. L/24) 为什么德军的车辆名称前缀都是 Sd.Kfz.1 德军车辆及其编号 Sd.Kfz.——德语“Sonderkraftfahrzeug”的缩写,可译为“特种机动车辆”,以下为二战中的部分德军车辆及其编号。 Sd.Kfz. 2 履带式摩托 Sd.Kfz. 2/1.
Sd Kfz 10 german wehrmacht half track from ww2 - World War …
Sd.Kfz. 10 (leichter Zugkraftwagen 1 t, Demag typ D7) was a German halftrack that saw very widespread use in World War II. The first prototype of SdKfz 10, was completed during 1934 and in 1937 the production model (the D 7) emerged.