Smart distributed data factory volunteer computing platform
2025年2月28日 · This paper presents the smart distributed data factory (SDDF), an AI-driven distributed computing platform designed to address challenges in drug discovery by creating...
Smart Distributed Data Factory: Volunteer Computing Platform
2024年11月11日 · SDDF uses volunteer computing, leveraging the processing power of personal computers worldwide to accelerate quantum chemistry (DFT) calculations. To tackle the vast chemical space and limited high-quality data, SDDF employs an ensemble of machine learning models to predict molecular properties and selectively choose the most challenging data ...
Smart Distributed Data Factory: Volunteer Computing Platform for …
SDDF uses volunteer computing, leveraging the processing power of personal computers worldwide to accelerate quantum chemistry (DFT) calculations. To tackle the vast chemical space and limited high-quality data, SDDF employs an ensemble of machine learning models to predict molecular properties and selectively choose the most challenging data ...
SDDF Energy Dataset - Zenodo
2024年10月29日 · This conformational energy dataset, developed as part of the Smart Distributed Data Factory (SDDF) project, contains over 2.17 million molecular conformations based on drug-like molecules sourced from the ENAMINE database. Energies were calculated using DFT with the ωB97x density functional and the 6–31G(d) basis set.
[2107.11024] A Deep Signed Directional Distance Function for Object ...
2021年7月23日 · Neural networks that map 3D coordinates to signed distance function (SDF) or occupancy values have enabled high-fidelity implicit representations of object shape. This paper develops a new shape model that allows synthesizing novel distance views by optimizing a continuous signed directional distance function (SDDF).
SDF(signed distance field)基础理论和计算 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在3d中光线追踪对于性能的消耗过大,所以sdf常常被用来作为物体的隐式表达,配合 ray marching 达到接近光线追踪的效果,也有比如 deepSDF 这种对于模型的隐式表达方面的应用。 在2d中,sdf常常被用来表示字体,原神的面部渲染中阴影部分贴图也是基于sdf生成的。 SDF的本质就是存储每个点到图形的最近距离,即将模型划出一个表面,在模型表面外侧的点数值大于0,在模型表面内侧的点数值小于0,如下所示: 与SDF对应的是Unsigned Distance Field,对于物 …
Joining Spatial Deformable Convolution and a Dense Feature …
To address these issues, we propose a novel surface defect detection method joining spatial deformable convolution (SDC) and a dense feature pyramid, named SDDF-Net. First, we construct a SDC-based feature extraction network, which uses a dynamic convolutional kernel with spatial information to increase the feature extraction capability of ...
GitHub - au-ts/sddf: A collection of interfaces, libraries and tools ...
The seL4 Device Driver Framework (sDDF) aims to provide interfaces and protocols for writing and porting device drivers to run as seL4 user level programs. The sDDF is currently under-going active research and development and is largely experimental software.
Course - Sustainable Disadvantaged Development Foundation
SDDF Global learning Academy. Kidz Online School.
The Sohni Dharti Development Foundation – The Sohni Dharti …
SDDF is aimed at providing effective assistance for the sustainable socio-economic uplift of the vulnerable communities. SDDF implements its mission through self and donor-funded projects/programs. SDDF believes in the development of communities through a participatory approach to ensure sustainable development at grass root level.