Correct way to generate an SDLK_LEFT SDL_Event?
Sep 20, 2015 · I got it working now with the following code: keys = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); keys[SDLK_LEFT] = TRUE; After reading the keys I set them back to FALSE
SDL2 equivalent of SDLK_FIRST and SDLK_LAST? - Stack Overflow
Apr 19, 2020 · This could be helpful to you, particularly under the "Input" section.
sdl - SDLK_F1 key case not working - Stack Overflow
Oct 18, 2012 · I am trying to catch the event for F1 key in SDL in C++. But,somehow i cannot see any changes after pressing the F1 key.But,when i wnat to toggle my animation objects on the screen i make use SDL_t...
events - Inputs in SDL (on key pressed) - Stack Overflow
Jan 5, 2014 · You should have 2 tables of booleans for keys. One table, in which you set keys true or false based on the SDL keydown/keyup events, and another one, that you initialize with false. When checking keyPressed, you just compare the second table key with the first table key, and if different, if second table key is false, then it was pressed, else it was released. After that, you do secondTable ...
Difference between SDL_Scancode and SDL_Keycode - Stack …
Jul 6, 2019 · I am in a learning process of SDL library by version 2.0. When I checked out SDL_Event handling , I got two different representations for keyboard event. SDL_Scancode SDL_Keycode I could not unde...
c++ - SDLK Perplexity - Stack Overflow
Mar 23, 2012 · How does SDLK_'anykey' work? In my game, a bullet has to be shot when the Ctrl button is pressed, but through breakpoints and test print statements I have realised that even though I press 'ctrl' once, the function is getting called many times.
c - keypress using in SDL2 correctly? - Stack Overflow
Nov 6, 2014 · Since the SDLK_... macros aren't intended for this purpose, they are different values. Probably the reason you are getting a segmentation fault is that these are defined to large values that extend far beyond the length of the array keys.
How to change direction smoothly using SDL2 and how to keep …
It's my Code, it's a very simple tank games, I have 2 problems: use WSAD to move with speed 4, when I pressing and holding shift, the speed change to 8, when I release shift, speed back to 4. But,...
C SDL Keyboard Events SDL_KEYUP Triggering When Key Is Down
Jan 3, 2013 · I am using SDL in C, and I'm trying to make a character move on the screen when a key is pressed, and stop when it is released, but it seems as if the KEYUP event is triggering when the key is still
What is the difference between an SDL physical key code and an …
Aug 11, 2015 · The same key on a Dvorak keyboard, will report a scancode of SDL_SCANCODE_S and a keycode of SDLK_O. In the above quote, by layout the manual means the functional layout.