Sea Serpent Fang - Ice and Fire Mod Wiki
Sea Serpent Fang are items obtained as drops from Sea Serpent. Sea Serpent Fang are used to craft the Tide Trident and Tide Arrow. 1.7.0: Introduced. 1.8.0: Now associated with a new Legendary...
海蟒长牙 (Sea Serpent Fang) - [IAF]冰火传说 (Ice and ... - MC百科
杀死海蟒掉落,数量随体型增加,合成潮汐之矢4个。 海蟒长牙 (Sea Serpent Fang)资料的介绍页面,此资料来自模组 [IAF]冰火传说 (Ice and Fire),我的世界MOD百科,提供Minecraft (我的世界)MOD (模组)物品资料介绍教程攻略和MOD下载。
Tide Trident | Ice and Fire Mod Wiki | Fandom
The Tide Trident is a Legendary Weapon associated with the Sea Serpent mob. A Tide Trident can be crafted with 3 Sea Serpent Fang, 2 Sea Serpent Scales, a Diamond, and a Dragon Bone. The Tide Trident is a very strong trident weapon that can pierce through multiple enemies.
【生物】冰與火龍模組 (Ice and Fire Mod) 4/25 更新
2020年4月25日 · 當你成功討伐了這些兇猛的野獸後,牠們會掉出 "海龍鱗片" (Sea Serpent Scales) 以及 "海龍牙齒" (Sea Serpent Fang),鱗片可以和海洋馬的閃亮鱗片製作成 "海龍裝甲",擁有非常好的識水性,當玩家穿著全套時,進入在水中可以增強各種能力....
《我的世界》冰火传说海蟒长牙获得方法 - 3DM游戏网
2022年11月9日 · 物品命令:/give @p iceandfire:sea_serpent_fang 64 杀死海蟒掉落,数量随体型增加,合成潮汐之矢4个。
What do you use serpent fangs for? : r/RLCraft - Reddit
2020年5月9日 · What do you use serpent fangs for? I’ve been on a serpent hunt and I have a couple fangs, what can I do with them? Normally it is used to make tide trident and tide arrow. But sadly in RLCraft since the version of ice and fire is old, the tide trident is not in the game yet. For now there is just tide arrows. U make arrows that don't sink.
Sea Serpent - Ice and Fire Mod Wiki
1-3 sea serpent fangs (varies with size). 1 sea serpent skull (2.5% chance). Sea serpents are hostile, and will attack everything that comes nearby, including players and dragons.
RE:【生物】冰與火龍模組 (Ice and Fire Mod) @Minecraft 我的世 …
2019年3月20日 · 當你成功討伐了這些兇猛的野獸後,牠們會掉出 "海龍鱗片" (Sea Serpent Scales) 以及 "海龍牙齒" (Sea Serpent Fang),鱗片可以和海洋馬的閃亮鱗片製作成 "海龍裝甲",擁有非常好的識水性,當玩家穿著全套時,進入在水中可以增強各種能力....
合成表 - 海蟒长牙 (Sea Serpent Fang) - [IAF]冰火传说 (Ice and …
海蟒长牙 (Sea Serpent Fang)资料的合成表列表页面,此资料来自模组 [IAF]冰火传说 (Ice and Fire),我的世界MOD百科,提供Minecraft (我的世界)MOD (模组)物品资料介绍教程攻略和MOD下载。
Ice and Fire: Dragons/Items - NamuWiki
2025年1月28日 · The Sea Serpent's Fang is dropped when the Sea Serpent is somehow defeated. It can be used to craft ocean current arrows like Hydra's Fang, a similar item, or as a material for the legendary weapon Ocean Current Trident.