6 Best IYT Raises Variations and Their Benefits
2020年5月19日 · The seated IYT raises work on deltoids primarily and helps build firm and flexible shoulders at home without equipment. Steps to perform a Seated I-Y-T raises: Sit on the edge of a bench with your feet firmly on the ground and arms at your sides.
Seated IYT Raises - YouTube
Exercise tutorial demonstrating seated "I," "Y," "T" raises option to use a resistance band or dumbells.
Seated Y Raise - YouTube
2020年5月15日 · Onnit Editor-in-Chief Sean Hyson demonstrates the seated Y raise.#shoulders #freeweights #buildmuscle #athomeworkouts =====...
12 Best Dumbbell Shoulder Exercises to Build Perfect Delts
2020年4月13日 · The three best dumbbell shoulder exercises are the overhead press, lateral raises, and seated rear delt fly. So, if you’ve limited time, you can do these movements.
25 Best Exercises with Dumbbells and Bench - The Fitness Phantom
2022年1月24日 · The seated IYT raises work on the entire shoulder and helps you build strength, mass, and stability. You can also do this exercise when you train your chest and shoulders together. I’ve already created an ultimate guide on IYT raises; you can check that out for detailed instructions. Dumbbell Arms Workouts with Bench
有没有一个动作就能练好背部肌肉的? - 网易
2018年10月23日 · 实验团队先测出实验对象们高位下拉、杠铃俯身划船、坐姿划船和I-Y-T上举的单次极限重量(1RM),48小时后,实验对象按照随机顺序完成八个背部训练动作,全程通过肌电图测量上述五大背部肌肉的最大自主收缩程度(MVC)。 这八个动作分别是: 高位下拉,坐姿划船,杠铃俯身划船,反向划船,引体向上,反握引体向上,TRX划船,IYT上举. 如图所示: 高位下拉. Lat Pull Down. 坐姿划船. Seated Row. 俯身杠铃划船. Bent-Over Row. 反向划船. Inverted …
The Benefits of the IYT Shoulder Exercise for Healthy Aging
2023年6月15日 · The IYT exercise primarily targets your upper, middle and lower traps. It also works your rotator cuff muscles, including your supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis, Tang says. These muscles are responsible for shoulder stability and mobility.
IYT - Olympic Weightlifting Exercise Library: Demo Videos, …
The IYT is a common shoulder prep exercise for scapular control and stability, named after the shapes the arms and body make in each position. Stand and hold two bands attached at approximately shoulder height. Keeping the arms straight, pull the hands up until the arms are vertical and repeat for the chosen number of reps.
How to Properly Perform I’s, T’s, and Y’s Exercises
2018年12月19日 · Learn how to properly perform I’s, T’s, and Y’s exercises on an exercise ball in order to address poor posture as well as neck, shoulder, and upper back pain.
Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise Video Exercise Guide - Muscle & Strength
Seated dumbbell lateral raises are a variation of dumbbell lateral raises and are used to isolate the muscles of the shoulder. Grab a pair of dumbbells with a neutral grip and sit on the edge of a flat bench with your feet around shoulder width apart. This is the starting position for the exercise.