Sechium - Wikipedia
Sechium was a genus of plants now subsumed into the genus Sicyos: [1] also placed in the tribe Sicyoeae of the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae. Its best known member was the edible and widely cultivated chayote (now Sicyos edulis).
佛手瓜 - 百度百科
佛手瓜(Sechium edule(Jacq.)Swartz),又名隼人瓜、安南瓜、寿瓜等,是一种葫芦科佛手瓜属多年生宿根草质藤本植物,因其形如两掌合口有佛教祝福之意,因此多被称为佛手瓜、福寿瓜。
佛手瓜属 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
佛手瓜属(学名: Sechium )是葫芦科下的一个属,为藤本植物。该属共有佛手瓜(Sechium edule)等数种,原产于热带 美洲。 [1] 然而,分子系统发生学研究显示,本属的物种实际上嵌套在刺果瓜属( Sicyos )各物种之间,因而被合并入后者,成为其异名。 [2]
佛手瓜 - 搜狗百科
2024年9月25日 · 佛手瓜(学名:(Sechium edule (Jacq.) Swartz),又名千金瓜、隼人瓜、安南瓜、寿瓜、丰收瓜、洋瓜等,是一种葫芦科佛手瓜属植物。 佛手瓜具块状根的多年生宿根草质藤本,茎攀援或人工架生,有棱沟。
佛手瓜 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
佛手瓜 (學名: Sicyos edulis)是一種 葫蘆科 刺果瓜属 植物 [1],又稱 菜肴梨 (英語: chayote, vegetable pear)、 合手瓜 、 合掌瓜 、 佛手 、 隼人瓜 、 拳頭瓜 、 梨瓜 等。 原產於 墨西哥 、中美洲和西印度群島,1915年傳入 中國,在江南一帶有種植,以 雲南 、 浙江 、 福建 、 廣東 最多。 臺灣於1935年自日本引進種植 [2]。 其藤尖称为 龙须菜。 本种曾被归类于 佛手瓜屬 (Sechium),但现已知佛手瓜屬是刺果瓜属的 异名。 [1] 佛手瓜清脆,含有丰富营养。 其外 …
sechium - Encyclopedia of Life
Sechium (Sechium) is a genus of herb in the family Cucurbitaceae. They are climber s. They are native to Puerto Rico. EOL has data for 8 attributes, including: Known occurrences, collected specimens and observations of sechium. View this species on GBIF. sechium includes 11 children: Sechium edule (Jacq.) Swartz (chayote) Sechium pittieri (Cogn.)
Sechium edule - Useful Tropical Plants - The Ferns
2024年10月13日 · It can be grown at elevations up to 2,000 metres in the tropics, yielding better crops above 500 metres. It grows best in areas where annual daytime temperatures are within the range 19 - 30°c, but can tolerate 12 - 40°c [ ]. Higher yields are achieved when there is a reasonable drop in temperatures over night [ ].
Sechium edule blooms from April to December and bears fruit from September to January. The most contented average temperature is 13-21°C. Temperatures below 13°C damage minor or unripe fruit, while temperatures above 28°C promote excessive growth and the shedding of flowers and unripe fruit, affecting production8. The
HS1454/HS1454: Chayote—A Potential Vegetable Crop for Florida
2022年12月5日 · Chayote (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.), known as the vegetable pear, is a nutritious plant with a pale-green, ridged, fleshy fruit with a single seed. This crop originates from Mesoamerica, specifically southern Mexico and Guatemala (Cook 1901; Newstrom 1991; Stephens 2018).
How to Grow Chayote (Sechium edule): A Complete Guide
2024年1月30日 · A chayote plant (Sechium edule) is a vine-like plant that produces edible, pear-shaped fruit. It is native to Central America and Mexico, but is now grown in many tropical and subtropical regions around the world.