Segue 1 - Wikipedia
Segue 1 is a dwarf spheroidal galaxy or globular cluster situated in the Leo constellation and discovered in 2006 by Sloan Digital Sky Survey. [2] It is located at a distance of about 23 kpc (about 75,000 light years) from the Sun and moves away from the …
Segue 1 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Segue 1是 銀河系 最小和曾經是最黯淡的 銀河衛星星系。 它的集成光度大約是太陽的300倍 (絕對 視星等 大約是-1.5等) [note 1],這樣的光度還比不上一個典型的 球狀星團 [2][4]。 觀測顯示它的質量約為60萬 太陽質量,這意味著Segue 1的 質光比 是3400 [3]。 在2011年之前,Segue 1是已知的所有星系中質光比最高的 [3]。 如此高的質光比,意味著它的主要成分可能是 暗物質。 但是,因為前景有值得注意的汙染,會增加速度色散,因此很難估計這種暗弱天體的質量。 此 …
Segue 1 - 百度百科
Segue 1是史隆数位巡天在2006年于狮子座发现的一个矮椭球星系或球状星团。 它在距离太阳约23,000秒差距之处,以206Km/s的相对速度移动。 Segue 1的外观有值得注意的长度比(大约是2:1),形状与半光度半径大约是30秒差距。
Segue 1 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2020年9月26日 · Segue 1 是 史隆数位巡天 在2006年于 狮子座 发现的一个 矮椭球星系 或 球状星团 [2]。 它在距离太阳约23,000秒差距之处,以206Km/s的相对速度移动 [2][5]。 Segue 1的外观有值得注意的长度比(大约是2:1),形状与 半光度半径 大约是30秒差距 [2][4]。 如果Segue 1现在正受到潮汐力的扰乱,这种拉长的比率可能是银河的潮汐力造成的 [6]。 Segue 1是 银河系 最小和曾经是最黯淡的 银河卫星星系。 它的集成光度大约是太阳的300倍 (绝对 视星等 大约是-1.5 …
SEGUE: Mapping the Outer Milky Way | SDSS
The primary goal of SEGUE-1 is a kinematic and stellar population study of the high-latitude thick disk and halo of the Milky Way. The halo is sampled sparsely with a series of seven deg 2 tiles both in the SEGUE-1 imaging stripes and the main Legacy survey area, with centers separated by roughly 10 deg. Each such tile is sampled with two ...
There's a Tiny Strange Galaxy Orbiting The Milky Way And No …
2018年8月10日 · A galaxy in nearby space called Segue 1 is quite the oddity. It's very small, and very faint, it hangs out very close to the Milky Way, and no one knows quite where it came from. But now astronomers have accurately measured its movement for the first time, which has finally offered some clues.
The Origin of the Satellite Segue 1 - AAS Nova
2018年8月8日 · Segue 1, a Milky Way satellite just ~75,000 light-years away (that’s half the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud!), was the first of these ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal galaxies to be discovered — and scientists have been debating its nature ever since.
Weird Object: Galaxy Segue 1 | Astronomy.com - Astronomy …
2015年11月27日 · Segue 1 is a billion times fainter than our galaxy. Unlike most other galaxies, Segue 1 is not six or eight times more massive than it appears, but, to repeat, a thousand times more massive....
The Orbit and Origin of the Ultra-faint Dwarf Galaxy Segue 1
2017年11月24日 · Using cosmological zoom-in simulations of Milky Way-mass galaxies, we identify subhalos on similar orbits as Segue~1, which imply the following orbital properties: a median first infall 8.1 +3.6−4.3 Gyrs ago, a median of 4 pericentric passages since then and a pericenter of 22.8 +4.7−4.8 kpc.
Segue 1: An Unevolved Fossil Galaxy from the Early Universe
2014年3月24日 · We present Magellan/MIKE and Keck/HIRES high-resolution spectra of six red giant stars in the dwarf galaxy Segue 1. Including one additional Segue 1 star observed by Norris et al. (2010), high-resolution spectra have now been obtained for every red giant in Segue 1.