Seiden Crystal - Antistatic en Fire Retardant PVC film - Wendt
The Seiden Crystal is a transparent PVC film with excellent antistatic and fire retardant properties. For high-tech applications such as flexible partitions and curtains.
Achilles Corporation Chemical Products Division | Product list/Anti ...
≪ACHILLES SEIDEN CRYSTAL≫ is a highly transparent flame-retardant flexible PVC film with special anti-static formulation. ≪ACHILLES MIERU LINE Antistatic≫ is a clear flexible PVC door curtain/partition screen with Anti-static function.
透明度が高く、帯電防止機能に優れた防炎 透明フィルム | アキレ …
防炎性はもちろん、高い透明性を維持したまま優れた帯電防止効果を有する画期的な軟質塩化ビニールフィルムです。 セイデンクリスタルの透明性は経時変化で劣化することがあります。 ご使用の状況で早めにお取り替えください。 アキレスセイデンクリスタルは帯電防止性能と防炎性を有し、高い透明性を備えた軟質塩ビフィルムです。
Achilles Corporation Chemical Products Division | ACHILLES SEIDEN CRYSTAL
ACHILLES SEIDEN CRYSTAL is an innovative flexible PVC film specially formulated using Achilles' original formulation technology, with excellent antistatic performance while maintaining good transparency as well as flame retardancy. Available in thicknesses ranging from 0.1mm to 3.0mm, ACHILLES SEIDEN CRYSTAL can be selected from a wide variety ...
ACHILLES SEIDEN CRYSTAL - Cleanstat (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
ACHILLES SEIDEN CRYSTAL is a soft polyvinyl chloride film that stands out due to Achilles' proprietary technology, which ensures excellent anti-static properties without compromising transparency. It also retains superior flame-retardant characteristics, meeting high …
Clarity of Achilles Seiden Crystal may degrade due to aging, depending on environmental conditions. To maintain anti-static properties, monitor and replace this product as needed. Product name Wendt B.V. Achter de Watertoren 11 2182 DV, Hillegom, Netherlands T. +31 (0) 252 51 69 38 E. [email protected] W. www.achilles-wendt.com
防靜電透明膠簾 | Chan's Industrial Co., Ltd
ACHILLES SEIDEN CRYSTAL. ACHILLES SEIDEN CRYSTAL is a specially formulated. anti-static PVC film with good transparency as well as flame retardancy. Because the anti-static effect is acquired by formulation, both sides of the film display the same excellent results. This product is available in thickness ranging from 0.1mm to 3.0mm. Caution:
Achilles Corporation Chemical Products Division | ACHILLES SEIDEN ...
ACHILLES SEIDEN CRYSTAL IG, developed on the basis of key characteristics of ACHILLES SEIDEN CRYSTAL such as flame retardancy and antistatic performance, is an eye-friendly and bright flexible PVC film used for a blind screening to block views from outside, maintaining comfortable work environment without impairing beauty.
阿基里斯 Biomass Seiden Crystal | 各種材料的批發銷售 - 材料專 …
阿基里斯 Biomass Seiden Crystal 是一種環保、柔韌、透明的 PVC 薄膜/片材,採用植物源塑化劑。 增加了新的陣容,以幫助實現脫碳社會,同時保持相同的性能。
「アキレスセイデンクリスタルBK」は、「アキレスセイデンクリスタル」の防炎性、帯電防止性などの基本性能をベースに、クリーンルーム内の暗室用カーテンとして遮光性を持った軟質塩化ビニールフィルムです。 「アキレスブラックセイデンF」のご使用に際しては導電性能をしっかりと発揮させるために通電性のある物に触れさせる等、必ずアースを取ってください。 「アキレスブラックセイデンF」の塗工面は溶剤で落ちてしまいます。 メンテナンス等での溶剤の使 …