Semar UGM – More Distance Less Energy
A student-led automotive team focused on research, development, and manufacturing of Ultra-low Fuel Consumption Vehicles, from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. Since 2009, we have done many projects supporting the world's energy saving program also collected numerous awards and achievements in national, as well as international competition.
Team – Semar UGM
I hereby proudly announce the 14th generation of Semar UGM Team. A student-led Ultra Low Energy Consumption Vehicle Team from Universitas Gadjah Mada that was founded back in 2009, which since then has contributed on numerous projects of energy-saving programs and also participated in national and international competition, such as Kontes Mobil ...
Competition - SEMAR UGM
The competition is divided into two classes, Prototype, and UrbanConcept, and three energy categories: battery-electric, hydrogen fuel cell, and internal combustion engine. Since 2010, Semar UGM Team has been a proud participant in the prestigious Shell Eco-marathon Asia and Middle East competition, which began in 1985 in Europe. Our team made ...
Semar UGM Wins Award at Shell Eco-Marathon 2025 in Qatar
2025年2月21日 · Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has once again achieved international success. This time, the Semar UGM Team secured 2nd place in the Prototype Battery Electric category at the Shell Eco-Marathon Asia Pacific and Middle East 2025, held at Lusail International Circuit in Doha, Qatar, from Feb. 8-12, 2025.
Semar UGM - LinkedIn
Semar UGM is a student-led organization dedicated to researching, developing, and manufacturing ultra-low fuel consumption vehicles. Since its inception in 2009, the team has undertaken...
Semar UGM Ready to Compete in 2025 Shell Eco-Marathon in Qatar
2025年1月16日 · Semar UGM, one of UGM’s most innovative flagship vehicles, is preparing to debut in the 2025 Shell Eco-Marathon Asia Pacific and Middle East, which will be held at Lusail Circuit, Qatar, from Feb. 8 to 12.
Tim SEMAR UGM Borong Empat Juara di Shell Eco-marathon Asia …
2024年7月8日 · Tim Semar UGM kembali meraih kesuksesan besar di ajang bergengsi Shell Eco-marathon Asia-Pasifik dan Timur Tengah 2024. Diselenggarakan dari tanggal 2 hingga 6 Juli 2024 di Sirkuit Internasional Pertamina Mandalika, NTB, tim Universitas Gadjah Mada ini memenangkan empat gelar juara.
Tim Semar UGM Raih Posisi Kedua dalam Ajang Shell Eco …
2025年2月17日 · Tim Mobil Hemat Energi, Semar Universitas Gadjah Mada, kembali menorehkan prestasi gemilang dengan meraih gelar Juara Kedua untuk kategori Prototype Battery Electric pada ajang bergengsi Shell Eco-Marathon Asia Pacific and Middle East 2025. Diselenggarakan pada 8–12 Februari 2025 di Sirkuit Internasional Lusail, Qatar, kompetisi ini menjadi ...
UGM Semar Team Gears Up to Defend Title at Shell Eco …
2024年6月19日 · The UGM Semar Car team (Semar UGM) will again participate in the Shell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and Middle East energy-efficient car competition from Jul. 2-6, 2024, at the Mandalika Circuit, West Nusa Tenggara. The Semar team will compete against more than 80 teams from 12 countries in the Asia-Pacific and Middle East regions.
Bolak-Balik Jadi Juara, SEMAR UGM Telah Diakui Dunia
2025年2月20日 · UGM melalui mobil Semar Proto UGM berhasil menyabet juara 1 kategori Prototype Kelas Battery-Electric, sedangkan mobil Semar Urban UGM mendapat juara 2 kategori Urban Concept Kelas Internal Combustion Engine. Kemenangan UGM dalam kompetisi ini menandakan keunggulannya sehingga mampu mengalahkan …