Explore SEMICON West, the premier event for semiconductor industry professionals, showcasing the latest technologies and solutions.
Pricing & Register - SEMICON ® WEST
SEMI Members should anticipate costs ranging from $165 to $1150, depending on the number of days attended at SEMICON West and the level of access selected. Non-Members should budget between $250 and $1400, based on the duration of their …
Media Resources | SEMICON West
2024年7月18日 · June 26, 2024 — SEMICON West 2024 Opens July 9 to Spotlight Investments in U.S. Semiconductor Manufacturing, AI, Key Trends and Industry Growth. With over $300 billion in capital expenditures announced, the event will feature key presentations from industry and government leaders.
Exhibitor Directory | SEMICON West
SEMI Global Headquarters. 673 South Milpitas Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035. Tel: +1.408.943.6900. Email: [email protected]
Laser Based 3D-Magnetic Field Sensor Formation | SEMICON West
Position determination using a magnetic field is excellent sensor technology. Sensors based on the Giant Magneto Resistance Effect (GMR) and the Tunneling Resistance Effect (TMR) are particularly suitable.