McLaren Senna GTR - Unparalleled Track Only Hypercar
The McLaren Senna GTR rewrote so many rules. Its highly advanced aerodynamics made it a dynamic revolutionary – using a host of ground-breaking technology first developed in Formula 1. The GTR active rear wing with air brake and drag reduction system (DRS) is a prime example.
McLaren Senna - Wikipedia
The Senna GTR is estimated to produce at least 825 PS (607 kW; 814 hp) from its 4.0 L twin-turbocharged V8 engine and is meant to be faster and more agile than its road-going counterpart. On the exterior, the GTR utilizes wider front and rear fenders, a larger front splitter, new wheels and a bigger rear diffuser in order to make the car ...
台灣僅1台「1.2億神車」內裝曝光 擁有條件驚呆Joeman:超嚴苛
2021年6月29日 · 這款超尊榮「McLaren Senna GTR」價錢高達1.2億元,最大動力來到825匹,車重則大幅度下降到1188公斤,比一般版輕10公斤左右,馬力重量比為1.44。 Senna GTR有一根超大型的GT尾翼。
New and Pre-owned McLaren Senna GTR for Sale - duPont REGISTRY
The McLaren Senna GTR is a track-just rendition of the McLaren Senna, a restricted creation supercar. It was divulged in February 2019 at the Geneva Engine Show. The Senna GTR for sale has a more extensive body, more downforce, and an all the more impressive form of the Senna's twin-turbocharged 4.0-liter V8 motor.
McLaren Senna GTR | McLaren Automotive | CN
迈凯伦塞纳gtr搭载起源于赛车的悬架系统,可实现精准的操纵表现,响应驾驶者的每一个命令。 性能核心 碳纤维是构成每一台迈凯伦的基础,迈凯伦塞纳GTR也毫不例外。
New and Pre-owned McLaren Senna for Sale - duPont REGISTRY
McLaren notes that the Senna is their most extreme track car yet. Its power comes from a 4.0-liter twin-turbocharged V8 engine that produces a staggering 813 bhp. With a lightest dry weight of just 2,619 lbs, the Senna GTR comes with a solid power-to-weight ratio.
McLaren Senna - Our Fastest Track-Focused Road Hypercar
This combination creates a staggering power-to-weight ratio of 668PS-per-tonne (659bhp). It is the most direct and responsive McLaren ever built, surpassing even the McLaren P1™ GTR, to create the purest connection with the driver. The McLaren Senna is a new track benchmark for McLaren. Our fastest track-focused road hypercar. Discover
2022年10月11日 · 塞纳由迈凯伦720S上搭载的4.0升V8引擎的修改版本提供动力,双涡轮增压V8发动机编码为M840TR。 它利用了七速双离合器变速器,在7250转/分可输出800马力与800牛米的扭矩。 与终极系列中的先前两代车型不同,迈凯伦P1没有借助电动机来支持其功率重量比的计算,这允许其最大的功率重量比例为667马力每吨。 该汽车具有许多空气动力学元素,有大型可调节的双元素后尾翼(电子运行,并且具有各种设置,以便提供最佳性能,同时也充当制动系 …
McLaren Senna GTR - A Momentous Experience (Bruno Senna)
At the time of its launch in 2018 the McLaren Senna GTR was the fastest, lightest, most aggressive and engaging McLaren ever. It generates incredible levels of downforce, uses suspension derived from the McLaren GT3 racing programme and an 825PS version of the 4.0-litre twin-turbocharged V8 engine.
每日超跑系列:2020迈凯伦Senna GTR LM - 懂车帝
2024年10月10日 · 该车由迈凯伦特别定制部门(MSO)打造,是一款极为独特的GTR,配备了再次升级的发动机,可以输出833马力和800牛·米的扭矩,同时红线转速从7500转/分提升至9000转/分,整备质量达到1188公斤。 2020年仅生产了五辆,每一辆都采用不同的涂装,向参加1995年勒芒24小时耐力赛的五辆F1 GTR致敬(它们分别获得了第1、3、4、5和13名的佳绩),这也是迈凯伦在这项耐力赛事中唯一的一次夺冠。 鉴于它们的独特性,这些车型自然是为迈凯伦最尊贵 …