Figure 19: Diagrams showing the architecture of the Sentinel-3 STM LAND IPF, from level-1 to level-2 processing. The left figure displays the Sentinel-3 LAND IPF deployed in operations between 2016 and 2023, while the right figure show the Sentinel-3 LAND Thematic IPF
Copernicus Sentinel-3 altimetry data boost hydrology studies
2023年11月24日 · The Copernicus Sentinel-3 Hydrocoastal products have been validated against measurements from in situ hydrology sensors, with the added advantage of their ability to monitor remote areas where in situ measurements are lacking.
Copernicus Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 satellites
Carrying a precision radar altimeter, an advanced infrared radiometer and a wide-swath ocean and land imaging spectrometer, Copernicus Sentinel-3 (lower-right) supplies a wealth of data, delivering critical data on the height and temperature of the sea surface, it supports ocean forecasting for maritime safety
Sentinel-3 data benefit users - Sentinel Success Stories - Sentinel …
2016年11月24日 · On 20 October 2016, the first operational data from the Copernicus Sentinel-3's Ocean and Land Colour Instrument were made available to users worldwide. Carrying three instruments that work in synergy, Sentinel-3 is considered the …
Copernicus Sentinel-3 shows chlorophyll index - Sentinel Success ...
Copernicus Sentinel-3 and artificial intelligence provide new insights into the Arctic's icy landscape
Sentinel-3 - Heritage - Sentinel Online - Sentinel Online
Sentinel-3 builds directly on the proven heritage of ERS-1, ERS-2 and ENVISAT. Its innovative instrument package includes: A Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer , based on ENVISAT's Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR), to determine global sea surface temperatures to an accuracy of better than 0.3 K. The SLSTR improves the ...
Copernicus Sentinel-3 and artificial intelligence provide new …
2024年8月30日 · Optical and altimetric data from the Copernicus Sentinel-3 satellites have enabled scientists to better understand the landscape of ice fractures in the Arctic.
2022年2月15日 · 2020’s, the Sentinel-3 Active Fire Detection and FRP Product derived from SLSTR observations is expected to ultimately take over morning and evening supply of active fire information, based on observations from its 10:00 hrs and 22:00 hrs equatorial crossing time overpasses (similar to
Copernicus Sentinel-3B images Red Sea oil spill - Sentinel Success ...
Copernicus Sentinel-3 and artificial intelligence provide new insights into the Arctic's icy landscape
FLEX and Sentinel-3 joining forces - Sentinel Success Stories
Title: FLEX and Sentinel-3 joining forces. Description: The FLEX Earth Explorer mission and Sentinel-3 will not only overlap in a spatial sense, but also in a spectral way, as can be seen from the chart below.