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2024年12月4日 · 简历投递邮箱:[email protected](简历及邮件标题统一按照“学校-专业-姓名”格式命名。 一、招聘条件 1.成绩优异,品行端正,身心健康; 2.具备较好的沟通能力、组织协调能力和团队协作精神; 3.同等条件下党员、学生干部、通过英语六级者优先。
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Careers - SEPCO
2024年7月5日 · Application form for the post of CEO SEPCO. SEPCO_1728839398_Application Form for the post of CEO SEPCO page-0001.jpg. 13-10-2024. 10:09 PM. 28-10-2024. Application form for the post of CEO SEPCO. SEPCO_1728839449_Application Form for the post of CEO SEPCO page-0002.jpg. 13-10-2024. 10:10 PM.
中国电建集团山东电力建设有限公司(简称山东电建,英文简称sepco)成立于1952年,下属全资子公司有宁夏电力建设工程公司和四川电力建设工程公司,隶属于世界500强中国电力建设股份有限公司,公司注册资本为人民币10.43亿元,资产总额121亿元,所有者权益16 ...
Our Team - SEPCO Industries
HR MANAGER. Safia Cheibani is one of the female managerial team of SEPCO with more than 7 years of experience in human resources. As the HR manager of the company, Safia is responsible for personnel management and developing a recruitment strategy that attracts and retains candidates with best skills and qualifications.
Aicha Bouchakour - Human Resources Coordinator - SEPCO
As a skilled professional with a rich background in human resources, administration, and project coordination, I bring a diverse set of capabilities to my current role as an HR & Admin...
- 职位: HR Coordinator at SEPCO …
- 位置: SEPCO Electric Power Construction Corporation
郝震之 - HR Superintendent - SEPCO Electric Power Construction …
SEPCO - HR · 工作经历: SEPCO Electric Power Construction Corporation · 教育经历: 河南财经政法大学 · 地点: 河南省 · 124 位领英好友。 在领英 (一个拥有 10 亿会员的职业社区) 查看郝震之的职业档案。
- 职位: SEPCO - HR
- 位置: SEPCO Electric Power Construction Corporation
Careers at SEPCO – SEPCO, Inc.
Every SEPCO product or service is fully customizable to your needs. Contact an Expert for details — 205.403.7500
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Our customers pay whatever we earn as an employee or as a company. Our survival depends on the satisfaction of our customers which should stand at the top of our endeavor. This objective could be achieved only through “CARE” of our customers and employees. Inauguration of android app by bod sepco.