Tips for new sett main? : r/settmains - Reddit
2023年7月9日 · Sett's ult travels a pretty long distance. It also places you behind the enemy and does damage to surrounding enemies based on the total health of the dunked enemy.
Sett’s Ultimate : r/settmains - Reddit
2021年11月27日 · 23 votes, 23 comments. 37K subscribers in the settmains community. This subreddit is dedicated to the champion Sett from League of Legends
Sett's ult, while being satisfying to land and look at, its ... - Reddit
2020年1月23日 · The Ult however for me is clunky cause once I ult, I carry them to max distance and and dunk whoever I carried, seems good in paper but seeing it personally. Its hard not to use it as peel but hard to use it as reliable damage as you factor in where Sett is facing currently, where he is going land and enemies position and that can be tricky as ...
Setts ult : r/settmains - Reddit
2020年1月14日 · Not a sett main but I have a question for people who understand his ult. Why is yasuo not able to ult off of setts ult?
Sett ult bug fix : r/settmains - Reddit
2022年3月31日 · Comparing Sett's ult to Darius' E is a faulty way to look at it, they're completely different forms of CC. Sett's ult is a suppression, so think of it more like a Malzahar ult or a Warwick ult than Darius E in terms of what it will and won't cancel.
Sett Ultimate Damage : r/settmains - Reddit
2021年4月22日 · Please ignore the dumb statement of "Space Aids 2021". Sett's Ult does indeed scale with Bonus AD. The ingame tooltip is just ass in general and in Setts case wrong. U can trust into what the wiki says 95% of the time while you cannot trust riots ingame tooltips, its kinda sad. If you want evidence and not just my comment, go practice tool.
Mord vs Sett? : r/settmains - Reddit
2022年2月8日 · Sett ult if used right can counter Morde's ult. Very niche use, but yes it is possible. I'm not just talking about using the unstoppable part to avoid Morde's ult (although this is also very usable) it is also because Morde ult lasts 7 seconds and his passive lasts 4 seconds.
Sett interaction : r/Illaoi - Reddit
2021年7月11日 · Sett interaction I remember i cancelled sett's ult mid air with w but i am not sure how. It was a long time ago and i dont have any footage. Has it happened to you guys as well? I can't find anywhere someone mentionong this.
Can u cleanse this R or no? : r/settmains - Reddit
2022年7月18日 · However sett can still follow through with his ult and still take the health stats during impact. You can also, ult other champions that have a “cannot be displaced” ability.
Sett ult bug on Warwick : r/settmains - Reddit
2020年4月1日 · Sett ult bug on Warwick When Warwick uses E and I use my ult on him, he doesn’t move and I just fly away alone as if he’s immune to cc. I thought Warwick E only reduces incoming damage not cc immunity, after the second game that happened I even doubted myself and rechecked Wikipedia but I’m right it only reduces incoming damage.