Set up an email address as your verification method - Microsoft …
Set up your email address from the Security info page. Depending on your organization’s settings, you might be able to use your email address as one of your security info methods.
Encrypt emails with S/MIME or Microsoft Purview Message …
In Outlook, select File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings. On the Email Security tab, under Encrypted email, select the Encrypt contents and attachments for outgoing messages check box. To change additional settings, such as choosing a specific certificate to …
Set up a security key as your verification method
Set up a security key as your verification method You can use security keys as a passwordless sign-in method within your organization. A security key is a physical device that's used with a unique PIN to sign in to your work or school account.
How to add your accounts to Microsoft Authenticator
On the Google account security page, go to the Add more second steps to verify it's you section, choose the Set up from the Authenticator app section. On the Get codes from Authenticator page, select either Android or iPhone based on your phone type, and then select Next.
How to use two-step verification with your Microsoft account
If you're looking for info about changing, removing, or updating the alternate email address or phone number where you get security codes, follow the steps in either Security info & verification codes or Replace your Microsoft account security info.
Help protect your Outlook.com email account - Microsoft Support
Whether you receive a link in an email that appears to be from your bank but isn't, fake notifications from social networking sites, or malicious advertisements, we can help you protect your account. We keep up with the latest scams so you don't have to.
Encryption in Outlook - Microsoft Support
Encrypt email messages. Send, view, and reply to encrypted messages in Outlook for PC. Secure messages by using a digital signature. Get a digital ID. Outlook for Mac Digital signing and encryption settings. Send a digitally signed or encrypted message. Outlook.com Learn about encrypted messages in Outlook.com
Add an email account to Outlook for Windows - Microsoft Support
Learn how to get Outlook set up to work with Microsoft 365, POP, IMAP, or Microsoft Exchange-based email accounts.
Set up Security info from a sign-in page - Microsoft Support
Set up your security info using the wizard. Follow these steps to set up your security info for your work or school account from the prompt.
Set up an authenticator app as a two-step verification method
You can set up an authenticator app to send a notification to your mobile device or to send you a verification code as your security verification method. You aren't required to use the Microsoft Authenticator app, and you can select a different app during the set up process.