KEEP THIS FORM and TAKE IT WITH YOU if you file a UCFE/UI claim for unemployed Federal workers provided by Federal law (U.S. CODE, Title 5, Chapter 85). For more information about UCFE/UI, read the REVERSE SIDE of this form.
GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. WHO WILL PAY UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS? 20 CFR 609 STANDARD FORM 8 (Rev. Prescribed by Dept. of Labor 6/87) If you are eligible, you will be paid by a State employment security agency under the provisions of …
SF-8 Unemployment Compensation Form - Department of …
2013年10月10日 · This form has been given to you because (1) you have been separated from your job, or (2) you were placed in a nonpay status, or (3) your records have been transferred to a different payroll office.
Standard Forms - U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Standard Forms are used governmentwide for various employment and benefits program purposes. Browse the listing below to download your choice of form (s). On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court ruled that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional.
Standard Form-8 (SF-8) | Department of Labor
Michael Harrington, Commissioner Kendal Smith, Deputy Commissioner Vermont Department of Labor 5 Green Mountain Drive P.O. Box 488 Montpelier, 05601-0488 (802) 828-4000 Department Directory
Notice to Federal Employee About Unemployment Insurance - GSA
2017年8月17日 · Title: Notice to Federal Employee About Unemployment Insurance Form #: SF8 Current Revision Date: 06/1987 Authority or Regulation: 20 CFR 609 PDF versions of forms use Adobe Reader ™. Download Adobe Reader ™
KEEP THIS FORM and TAKE IT WITH YOU if you file a UCFE/UI claim for unemployed (U.S. CODE, Title 5, Chapter 85). For more information about UCFE/UI, read the NSN 7540-00-634-3964 8-106 STANDARD FORM 8 (Rev. 6/87) Prescribed by Dept. of Labor 20 CFR 609
SF8 Must be issued to all separating federal civilian employees, employees placed in a Leave Without Pay (LWOP) status for at least 7 consecutive days, and federal civilian employees transferring from one payroll office to another
DepEd School Form 8: Learners Basic Nutrition Report Form
The DepEd School Form 8 (SF8) tracks learners’ physical development and nutritional status yearly. Class advisers or MAPEH teachers prepare it meticulously at the start and end of the academic year, recording weight and height changes.
Groups with special rules | Employment Security Department
On the Standard Form 8 (SF8) (PDF, 340KB), Notice to Federal Employees about Unemployment Insurance, you can find: The name of the federal civilian employer or agency.