Glenohumeral ligaments | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2024年10月5日 · The three glenohumeral ligaments (GHL) are thickenings of the glenohumeral joint capsule and are important passive stabilizers of the joint.
Anatomy, Variants, and Pathologies of the Superior Glenohumeral ...
The SGHL is a very important anatomical structure in the rotator interval that is responsible for stabilizing the long head of the biceps tendon. Therefore, a torn SGHL can result in pain and instability. Observation of the SGHL is difficult when using conventional MR imaging, because the ligament may be poorly visualized.
pathologic conditions of the superior glenohumeral ligament (SGHL). This review also demonstrates the applicability of a new MR arthrography sequence in the anterosuperior portion of the glenohumeral joint. The SGHL is a very important anatomical structure in the rotator interval that is responsible for stabilizing the long head of the biceps ...
肩部 MRI 阅片陷阱:第 1 部分 -正常解剖结构和解剖变异 - 知乎
mghl 是盂肱韧带中变化最大的,具有最常见的解剖变异,表现为与 sghl 或二头肌腱的连体起源。 MGHL 可以呈双股,导致与有时在 SLAP 损伤中看到的裂开撕裂混淆 (图 14B).
Magnetic Resonance Arthrography of Glenohumeral Lesions: …
2012年5月1日 · Magnetic resonance (MR) arthrography can be used to evaluate the ligaments, and multiplanar images can be obtained. MR arthrography improves visualization of various capsulolabral structures of the shoulder compared with conventional MR imaging. In a previous article, the MR arthrography appearance of capsular derangement was addressed [1].
Glenohumeral Instability | Radsource
The superior glenohumeral ligament (SGHL) (8a) is the smallest of the glenohumeral ligaments and acts with the coracohumeral ligament to stabilize the glenohumeral joint and prevent posterior and inferior translation of the humeral head.
After having identified the CHL, the next structure that you see immediately below it on sagittal scans is the SGHL (Pink arrow). The Biceps insertion (Crimson arrow) is our anatomical marker for the SGHL. SGHL (Pink arrow) arises at or just below the biceps insertion.
科学网—怎么在肩关节MRI磁共振上看喙盂韧带、喙肱韧带和上盂 …
2020年3月11日 · Marcello Zappia将喙盂韧带( coracoglenoid ligament:CGL)、盂肱上韧带(superior glenohumeral ligament :SGHL)和喙肱韧带(coracohumeral ligament:CHL)的复合体根据不同的解剖变异分成6种类型。并通过加了造影剂的磁共振影像为我们做了清晰的展示。 …
Anatomy, variants, and pathologies of the superior glenohumeral ...
Shoulder MR arthrography is the most accurately established imaging technique for identifying pathologies of the SGHL and associated structures. The use of three dimensional (3D) volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination (VIBE) sequences produces thinner image slices and enables a higher in-plane resolution than conventional MR ...
Pitfalls in Shoulder MRI: Part 1—Normal Anatomy and Anatomic …
2014年8月22日 · SGHL thickening may be seen in association with absence or hypoplasia of the MGHL and should not be misinterpreted as a remote injury. This ligament can tear in association with a SLAP lesion, anterosuperior impingement, or rotator interval injury.