sGYD | Gyroscope Protocol
sGYD is the yield-bearing version of the GYD stablecoin, following a standard yield-bearing vault design (ERC4626).
sGYD Price: SGYD Live Price Chart, Market Cap & News Today
sGYD is an upcoming cryptocurrency and its price is currently unavailable. Market data will be available soon and 4 users have added this coin onto their watchlist.
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稳定币格局或生变?Tether遭遇合规与竞争双考验,新一批掘金者 …
2024年8月16日 · DeFi 协议Gyroscope在本月也宣布推出了其稳定币的新收益版本,Savings GYD(或sGYD)的目标是向代币持有者支付 12%-15% 的年化收益,具体数额取决于市场 ...
Yield Emission Process | Gyroscope Protocol
Yield is periodically emitted to sGYD holders and GYD liquidity providers in a semi-automatic way. Yield is emitted to the set of venues (being defined as the set consisting of sGYD and the gauges of all supported pools) and can then be claimed by users.
sGYD (SGYD) Coin Profile, Info and Statistics | FXEmpire
Stay informed on crucial sGYD info and statistics with the coin’s description and history, essential details, and valuable links
Gyroscope Rolls Out Yield-Bearing Version of Stablecoin ... - CoinDesk
2024年8月8日 · Decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol Gyroscope said Thursday it rolls out a new yield-generating version of its stablecoin. "Savings GYD," or sGYD, will aim to pay out 12%-15% annualized yield...
sGYD Internals | Gyroscope Protocol - docs.gyro.finance
This section explains some internal operations of sGYD. Most users likely do not need to concern themselves with these details; they can simply interact with sGYD using the ERC4626 interface or the UI. For example, convertToAssets(1e18) yields the current sGYD/GYD exchange rate. Emissions to sGYD are stored in a structure called a stream.
Gyroscope | Blog
Gyroscope Launches Yield-bearing Stablecoin sGYD and Phase 2 of Points System. 8th Aug 2024
sGYD | Gyroscope
Terms and Conditions - sGYD. This web application is provided as a tool for users to interact with the Gyroscope Protocol on their own initiative, with no endorsement or recommendation of cryptocurrency trading activities.
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