IC 5146 - Wikipedia
IC 5146 (also Caldwell 19, Sh 2-125, Barnard 168, and the Cocoon Nebula) is a reflection [2] /emission [3] nebula and Caldwell object in the constellation Cygnus. The NGC description refers to IC 5146 as a cluster of 9.5 mag stars involved in a bright and dark nebula. The cluster is also known as Collinder 470. [4]
IC 5146 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
IC 5146 (也稱為 科德韋爾19, Sh 2-125,和 繭星雲)是位於 天鵝座 的一個 反射 [1] / 發射 [2] 星雲 和 科德韋爾天體。 IC 5146特別是指星雲中的星團和Sh2-125 [3],它的亮度是+10.0 [4] /+9.3 [2] /+7.2. [5]。 它的天體座標是赤經21 h 53.5 m,赤緯+47° 16′, 鄰近肉眼可以看見的 天鵝座π 、 蝎虎座 的疏散星團 NGC 7209,和明亮的疏散星團 M39 [1][4]。
IC 5146, The Cocoon Nebula, Caldwell 19, SH2-125 - AstroBin
[b][u]Object Information:[/u][/b] IC 5146 (also Caldwell 19, Sh 2-125, and the Cocoon Nebula) is a reflection/emission nebula and Caldwell object in the constellation Cygnus. The cluster is also k... Home
Sh2-125, IC5146 "Cocoon Nebula" - jthommes.com
Sh2-125, IC5146 "Cocoon Nebula" CLICK ON IMAGE FOR FULL SIZE VIEW (6006x4090) Scope: Celestron 9.25 Edge HD 235 mm at f/7 ; Location: DAA Observatory, Shelter Valley, CA ; Dates: 10, 12, 16 August 2023; Camera: ASI294MM ( Baader Ha, L, RGB Filters )
Sh2-125, the Cocoon Nebula, some LBNs, Etc. - AstroBin
2024年7月30日 · Here we have a wide(ish) view of Sh2-125 and the affiliated molecular cloud filament from which it appears to arise. From the wiki submission of this feature, the Cocoon is just a hot spot not quite at the end of this filament and this is …
Sh2-125, IC5146 "Cocoon Nebula" - Cloudy Nights
2024年8月18日 · Sh2-125, IC5146 "Cocoon Nebula" - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: This is the Cocoon Nebula (Sh2-125, IC 5146, LBN 424, Collinder 470) seen close up with surrounding dust. The general designation is Open Cluster and HII Region. This structure is 3,000 to 3,300 light years distant.
IC 5146 - 百度百科
IC 5146(也称为科德韦尔19,Sh 2-125,和 茧星云) 是位于 天鹅座 的一个 反射 / 发射 星云和科德韦尔天体。 IC 5146特别是指星云中的星团和Sh2-125,它的亮度是+10.0/+9.3/+7.2。 它的天体坐标是赤经21 53.5,赤纬+47° 16′, 邻近肉眼可以看见的 天鹅座π 、 蝎虎座 的 疏散星团 NGC 7209,和明亮的疏散星团 M39。 这个星团距离大约4,000光年远,中心的恒星大约是在10万年前形成的;星云的视直径大约12弧分,实直径相当于15光年 依观看IC 5146的经验, 暗星云 巴纳 …
IC 5146 (Cocoon Nebula) and VdB 147 in Cygnus - IRIDA …
IC 5146 (also catalogued as Sh 2-125, Ced 198, LBN 424, Min 2-70, Caldwell 19 or Cocoon Nebula) is a reflection/emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus. Properly speacking, IC 5146 refers to the star cluster and Sh2-125 to the nebula.The small reflection nebula in the bottom right corner is Van den Bergh 147 (VdB 147).
Sh 2-125(IC 5146・まゆ星雲・散光星雲・はくちょう座) – …
2024年5月22日 · Sh 2-125は、大きさ約9′角の円形で、非常に明るい散光星雲+散開星団+反射星雲です。 ICカタログを作成したドレイヤーの記述では、「IC 5146 か な り 明 る く 、 非 常 に 大 き く 、 不 規 則 な 形 、 中 央 に 9 . 5 等 星」としていてIC 5146を散光星雲+散開 ...
IC 5146 - Sh2-125 (Gary Imm) - AstroBin
This is a wide field shot of 2 degrees of sky in the Cygnus constellation. The highlight at lower left is IC 5146, an emission and reflection nebula 15 light years wide and located 4000 light years away. This nebula is nicknamed the Cocoon Nebula. Dark dust lanes wind their way throughout the …
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