SH2-131 (Sharpless 131)
sh2-131 (ic 1396) This object, also known as IC 1396, which really is the open cluster inside of it, also has quite a few Barnard dark nebulae that pick up. The largest on the bottom left is known as B365 and B160.
Sh 2-131(散光星雲・ケフェウス座) - orio.blog
2020年3月4日 · Sh 2-131は、散開星団IC 1396を取り囲む大きなHII領域で、ケフェウスOB2群を包み込む巨大な塵とガスの殻構造であるケフェウス座バブルの端にあります。(galaxymap.org) 象の鼻星雲vdB 142を中心に再撮影しました。
IC 1396, Sh2-131 HOO Wide Field - Cloudy Nights
2022年6月6日 · This image is 7+ degree wide field image featuring the IC 1396 region in HOO and RGB stars. The open cluster IC1396 and the full emission structure of Sh2-131 (LBN 455) is the dominant object. The view sweeps east (to the …
Sh2-131 - Telescope Live
IC 1396 - Sh2-131 is a very sparse open cluster associated with a large diffuse nebula, visible in the boreal constellation of Cepheus; it is located in a stretch of the Milky Way partially obscured by dense banks of dark nebulae, in a galactic region rich in dust and neutral gas with associated young and hot blue stars.
Sh 2-131 - Galaxy Map
Sh 2-131 surrounds the star cluster IC 1396 (also called Trumpler 37, including the O6 multiple HD 206267) and lies in the edge of the Cepheus bubble, the giant expanding shell of gas and dust surrounding the Cep OB2 association.
SH2-131 – Elephant Trunk Nebula - Remote Astrophotography …
2022年6月14日 · This is a widefield view of IC 1396, or the Elephant’s Trunk Nebula, in the constellation Cepheus. The Elephant’s Trunk is coming down from the top center of the image and is usually presented on its own. This view shows the Elephant’s Trunk in the context of the larger nebula that surrounds it.
Sh2-131, The Elephant's Trunk Nebula, HOO+Sii+Oiii - AstroBin
Sh2-131, The Elephant's Trunk Nebula is a vast emission nebula and concentration of intrasellar gas in the constellation of Cepheus. Distance to Sh2-131 is 2400 l.y. The Elephant's Trunk Nebula is now thought to be a site of star formation, containing several very young (less than 100,000 yr) stars that were discovered in infrared images in 2003.
sh2-131 Elephant Trunk Nebula (John Mart) - AstroBin
Here is my SHO processed image of the elephant trunk nebula. It took me over three weeks to capture this due to an unusually large dust cloud that crossed the Atlantic from the Sahara …
Sh2 131 (Jerry Yesavage) - AstroBin
Elephants Trunk IC 1396 (Sh2 131) Basic Information From GalaxyMap: Sh 2-131 and several other H II regions, such as Sh 2-129, Sh 2-133, Sh 2-134, and Sh 2-140 are apparently parts of the Cepheus bubble. [1]
IC 1396(Sh 2-131・散光星雲・ケフェウス座) - orio.blog
2017年12月4日 · IC1396は、星雲の中央部にあるCep OB2群のO型巨星 HD 206267 の強烈な 紫外線で電離発光しています。 星雲までの距離は約2500光年、μ星までの距離は約5000光年ありますから星雲はμ星よりだいぶ手前にあることになります。 星雲の中央部を見てみると、画面下寄りにある輝星がO型巨星 HD 206267 で、右にある複雑な形の星雲は象の鼻星雲(vdB142)と呼ばれるより星間雲が濃縮している場所です。 像の鼻星雲の中には新しい生まれたての星が …