Sh 2-155 - Wikipedia
Sh 2-155 (also designated Caldwell 9, Sharpless 155 or S155, or LBN529) is a diffuse nebula in the constellation Cepheus, within a larger nebula complex containing emission, reflection, and …
The Cave Nebula in Cepheus | Pictures, Location, and More
The Cave Nebula (Caldwell 9, Sh2-155) is a diffuse emission nebula within a larger nebula complex that includes a reflection nebula, and dark nebula. This deep-sky object is located in …
Cave Nebula (Sh2-155) in the constellation Cepheus - AstroBin
The Sh2-155 is an ionized H II region with ongoing star formation activity. Its estimated distance from Earth is 2,400 light-years. The name “Cave Nebula” – it’s widely known - was coined by a …
Cave Nebula (Caldwell 9) – Constellation Guide
2024年11月8日 · Sh2-155, informally known as the “cave nebula,” is dark cloud of gas embedded in a giant emission nebula. The top edge of the cloud is illuminated by several hot, massive …
APOD: 2017 March 23 - SH2-155: The Cave Nebula
SH2-155: The Cave Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Eric Coles and Mel Helm. Explanation: This skyscape features dusty Sharpless catalog emission region Sh2-155, the Cave Nebula. In …
SH2-155 - The Cave Nebula Astrophotography from the backyard
2020年9月15日 · To find Sh2-155 in the night sky, first locate the constellation Cepheus, very close to the North Star Polaris. Once done, find the "triangle" shape on the North part of the …
Sh2-155 (Cave Nebula) and VdB 155 in Cepheus - IRIDA …
Sh2-155 (also catalogued BN 529, LBN 110.11+02.44, Caldwell 9, or Cave Nebula) is a diffuse nebula in the constellation Cepheus, within a larger nebula complex containing emission, …
Sh2-155, The Cave Nebula, in Cepheus - Sky & Telescope
2019年4月1日 · The Cave Nebula (Sh2-155) lies at distance of 2,400 light-years in the constellation Cepheus. It is a large star-forming cloud of molecular hydrogen spanning …
APOD: 2013 October 19 - Sh2-155: The Cave Nebula
2013年10月19日 · Explanation: This colorful skyscape features the dusty, reddish glow of Sharpless catalog emission region Sh2-155, the Cave Nebula. About 2,400 light-years away, …
Cave Nebula and surrounding nebulosity (Sh2-155)
Scope: Takahashi Sky 90 at f4.5 with field flattener/focal reducer, on the G11 Losmandy Mount. Autoguider: SBIG STV with e-finder. Filter: Astronomik Ha filter (13 nm bandpass); Type II R, …